View Full Version : Pregabalin. scared it isn't working

08-12-13, 11:55
I was put on it 4 years ago for a skin pain which I can only describe as a severe sunburn pain.
I started off on a low dose increasing gradually to about 400gs. When I found it didn't work I reduced it slowly to 10mgs a day, About 2 years ago the Gp added 20mgs Nortriptyline but that didn't work either.
Last year my husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I looked after him in between his hospital stays and he died on Xmas Day last year in the Hospice. Throughout all this I felt no anxiety symptoms at all just extreme sadness and I was very emotional as I watched my handsome husband turn into a skeleton.
After is funeral I had to go back to work again and found a job working afternoons/evenings, It was very demanding and stressful. I used to go home really stressed at nights for about 4 months, then everything fell into place and I no longer was stressed when I went home.
I went about grieving for the loss of my husband mostly in the evenings but come the next day went about my days in a relaxed way.Meeting friends for coffee. If I had no one to meet up with I would go to the cafe and read a paper. All very relaxed and I plodded along.
Then in July this year I was going out with my Grandson and on walking to the car BOOM from nowhere my tummy started doing sommersaults. I put up with this for 2 weeks but in the end couldn't stand it anymore.
I saw my Gp who did blood tests to see if I had gone hyperthyroid. It came back that she thought I was as I had this twice before so reduced my thyroxine.
Long story short... after 11 weeks and two thyroxine reductions the Gp said that actualy she didn't think it was that after all but delayed stress anxiety. She was planning to increase my pregabalin but then she went off sick.
I had to see another Gp who was new to the practice and he wanted me off the Nortriptyline within a week to increase the Pregabalin upwards.
At first he increased it from 150mgs to 3oomgs but I couldn't even get out of bed the next day so he said we'd go slower.
From 150mgs up to 200mg and increasing by 25mgs every few days.
I am now on 125mgs p.m 100mgs a.m and 125mgs afternoons.Total 35omgs. butsince the increase to 350mgs starting this past Monday I have felt dizzy/drunk. Blurred vision and even felt a bit agitated, I feel frustrated that I don't feel better yet but have these side effects, Pharmasist says could be bit of withdrawal from quitting Nortriptyline so quickly and side effects of the dose increase.
It's got to the point I can't get this off my mind and having a hard tim getting into things now. Both socially and can't even get into the telly as it's either at the front f my mind or sitting there in the back of my mind as I am so aware of how I feel right now.
I am usually a coper and a problem solver but this has got beyond me.
Also I don't remember haing this happeneing when I was on the higher dose of Pregabalin 3-4 years ago??? Which is strange, In fact I didn't even know that it was even for anxiety as I was put on it for pain!!!