View Full Version : Neck ache

08-12-13, 13:12
I am in panic mode.

I have had a sore neck on a off for a few months. I saw a gp about 4 weeks ago as by this time I had started pressing into my neck for the first time ever and foud lynph nodes. At this point I had a nasty sort of flu virus. She said they were not even swollen and she would never mention them to someone who came to her. She said it was because I had been looking for them and that they were defo under 1cm. Anyway I left them alone and I think they have gone down a bit but if I dig in I can still feel them.

Anyway the neck ache has persisted (although it's not there all the time and is not something I take pain meds for) and I took to looking about and now I feel near the back of my neck another two tiny bumps. I think they are lymph nodes but again I need to flex my neck so the muscle is sticking out and then I feel them.

So my worry is that these nodes are growing and pressing on tissues and that whys my neck is sore? I'm so worried.

I have also seen an ENT twice (about an ear issue) but he has examined my neck 3 months ago and then again last week and both times he has said he cannot feel anything?!?? He also put a camera into my nose and throat and said all healthy.

I'm terrified to ask for an ultrasound and I know it's going to be bad news as why can I only feel them more on the right side and the on off neck ache??

08-12-13, 13:48
Hi LE,

You know my thoughts on the matter. An all clear from a trained medical professional that specializes in head, neck, ears, nose and throat along with a scope (that's how my docs examine me for cancer and they do it all day every day) should be all you need to quell your worry. It's your HA that's causing you issues.

You know what you need to do ;)

Positive thoughts

08-12-13, 16:29
Could there be something there though that maybe he couldn't feel and could only be seen by an ultrasound? I feel the muscles on that side are more prominent and worried something ba is pushing from under them??

Or maybe they have always just been this way as my gp says no one is symmetrical. I am right handed so dont know of its a dominant side thing?

But then why can I feel these little tiny nodes??! Maybe 3mm? And why the hell can my gp or the ENT feel them?!?:wacko:

08-12-13, 16:44
But then why can I feel these little tiny nodes??!

Because we have 400-600 nodes in our bodies and if you poke and prod enough you'll feel them. 3mm is totally normal! Mine were 2+cm for goodness sakes!

Positive thoughts

08-12-13, 16:50
Do you think though it's the nodes causing the neck ache or just strain?

08-12-13, 16:57
Seriously now.... HA aside... using logic and what your doctors have said, what is the answer to that question? And no answering a question with a question ;)

Positive thoughts

08-12-13, 17:09
I know I did think to myself earlier

If I had a friend who kept going round and round in circles over this I would be like 'seriously?!? Most people would be happy with their gp telling them there is nothing to feel particularly when you have had her feeling for at least a year! But to have been to a guy who diagnoses whats healthy and what's not android HEa seen him twice, 3 months apart, how can you possibly not be happy with that?!? Not to mention the scope he did. Oh and what about the blood cancer specialist you saw 3 months ago who did blood cancer blood tests on you and examined your neck, armpits and groin, oh what abou the follow up you had 6 weeks later to examin you again and to get the results of the bloods which you were told we're normal and that you were healthy?? Again the same specialist that diagnoses people with lymphoma and likemia by to mention ca generally'.

When I write that all down I know I am a crazy. It's ye uncertain Fishmanpa. The well what if they are growing so in maybe 3 months time they are bigger and then something bad is happening and they have missed it!?

I've come to realise that in life I am not patient. I am very self sufficient and if I want something to happen I want it to happen now and I will make it happen. I don't mess around. But I want that with the health but I can't control it. I do not want to be given the bad news but the part that's driving me is the ' well of there is something wrong I just want to know about it NOW so I can fight it'

08-12-13, 17:28
You're avoiding answering the question because deep down you know the answer and you know I'm right ;) BTW... I'm always right... I once thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken :D

Read my post on "Cured vs. Healed". You may find something there that inspires you to start the process of healing. Based on what you said about wanting things to happen "now" it will be difficult, but I believe, based on what I've come to learn about you, you can be quite successful.

Look... a few steps forward is a hell of a lot better than where you're at now don't you think?

Positive thoughts

08-12-13, 21:45
What question about the health anxiety? Sorry I've written that much I'm mixed up!!

I've read your cured v healed post and it's very good and does make a lot of sense. I'm sitting here though and I can feel the ache in my neck and inder chin and ha is buzzing away in my head saying 'see, see if there was nothing wrong why would you feel this aching...'