View Full Version : Stress in the Workplace

08-12-13, 16:17
Hiya guys

Some of you may be aware that I write blogs on the subjects of mental health, from advice to those affected, to media portrayal and the political side. In my 'About Me' page I have a list of things that I want to see change or improve, my main campaign is combating stress in the workplace.

I am a firm believer that having a stable job can benefit people with their recovery. Not only is it a source of income but it gives people confidence and a place in society. To feel wanted and to know that people appreciate your time and effort is also a massive confidence an self-esteem boost. But with 40% of sickness stress related there is something very VERY wrong going on in employment.

I have found a lot of evidence and stats to back up my opinions and what needs to be done, regarding stress in the workplace, but I would really appreciate it if you could answer some questions for me. Please state at the end if you are happy for me to quote some of your answers in my report. Here are my requirements:
- UK residents ONLY
- Must be in work, whether paid or unpaid, or WAS in work
- Been absent because of stress at least ONCE

Many thanks

Name or Nom de Plume:
Industry you work in (health, retail, education etc):
Public sector, private sector or non-profit:
Size of organisation:
Paid or unpaid:
Annual income (do not have to specify, but useful if you do):
Temporary or permanent:


How long were you last off work due to stress:
What was the longest time off you have had through stress:
Did your employer offer support for your return to work:
If so, was the help beneficial:
Have you received help from your GP for stress:
If so, what treatment was offered:
What were the causes of your stress:
Did stress affect your home/personal life:
How often have you been absent from stress:
When was the first and last time:
Do you believe you are still suffering from stress:
Add anything you feel like, e.g. how you were treated by colleagues and employer, how you felt treatment was delivered, anything I haven't asked:
Are you happy for me to quote any of your answers with name (or Nom de Plume) and location?

All help is much appreciated. Please PM me your answers or post them below.

Thanks again :flowers:

12-12-13, 18:56
Need responses, guys!