View Full Version : pulsatile tinitus

08-12-13, 20:33
Has anyone ever experienced this? I can hear my heart beat intermittently in my ear. Obviously everything I've read about this terrifies me.

Has anyone had any positive stories? X

08-12-13, 20:52
Hi I suffered with this last year for a few months, I used to occasionally get the whistling type tinnitus in my left ear then all of a sudden I started to get the heart beat thing. The worst thing about it for me was I could only hear it when I was anxious and as my heart would be going ten to the dozen (as it tends to do when you are anxious) I used to have this fast heartbeat sound for hours at a time.
I did not read or google about it, and it literally just disappeared one day. I did mention it to my GP who didn't seem one bit concerned.
Take Care. x

08-12-13, 21:37
I've had it for years - almost exclusively at night when trying get to sleep. Doctors years ago attributed it to anxiety and/or muscle tension from tmj. It's never gotten worse and isn't constant so I've never gotten any testing.

08-12-13, 22:07
Thank you both :)

I didn't go out of my way to google it, it was in a list of symptoms of something I am extremely worried about. And now this has started, it's obviously compounding my fear. I'm just trying to ease my anxiety now. Thank you x

09-12-13, 10:27
I get this too roxy, and just like anxietygal I put it down to muscle tension from TMJ or stress. Muscle tension can explain a lot of weird stuff that anxiety sufferes deal with.