View Full Version : Constantly imagining confrontational situations at work...

09-12-13, 08:02
Hey there.

I don’t normally post in this part of the forum as I’m usually a huge Health Anxiety sufferer but lately I’m having massive problems with worry about work. I hoped that someone (anyone) might let me know if they have had similar anxiety and possibly how they cope with it…

Basically, I work in a college where there is a lot of politics between departments. Unfortunately for me, I work across the departments in question and often get caught in the middle of all the back biting (one dept slagging the other off and vice versa). I absolutely hate confrontation so do my best to walk a line that doesn’t put me in one camp or the other but often it’s impossible not to get tangled up in all of the nonsense that goes on there. Normally, I can just get on with my work but lately I’ve been getting extremely (and I do mean ridiculously so) anxious that something’s going to kick off at work and I’m going to end up in any amount of confrontation. I think I’m having OCD traits as I start thinking about possible situations that might arise which would bring me into conflict with other people I work with and playing them out in my head. This usually ends up with me getting totally stressed at some scenario I’ve dreamed up that I guess might never happen (e.g. arguments about my timekeeping, my professional performance etc, none of which I have any reason to be nervous about as I consider myself to be pretty hard working and down the line).

I had a similar episode some years back when my thoughts would run away with me until I had pretty much played out any number of run-in’s with people at work which were usually confrontational and that did nothing but serve to ramp up my anxiety. I just don’t know how to stop myself thinking so negatively.

The other thing is that I’ve been feeling unbelievably exhausted over the last few months – falling asleep early evening, still feeling awful and tired after something like 10hrs sleep. Someone said that it could be depression but I really don’t want to consider that as I’ve been there before and have always tried to stave off further attacks.

Not sure if this makes sense or if it sounds like I’m fretting over nothing but from where I’m sat at the moment, it doesn’t feel like nothing.

Any advice would be really welcome.

