View Full Version : My blog 1 week before Beta blocker Nd CT scan

09-12-13, 09:17
Hi all
This is my blog for a week today I'm having a CT scan and beta blocker. Anxiety at high levels. Don't know how I'm going to cope. Started to feel anxious yesterday. My stomach has flared up which doesn't help. That alone makes me worry incase it's my heart. Then the wonderful thoughts. The what ifs.
Same old nonsense. I'm afraid of taking Beta Blocker. Why am I afraid well?
What if my heart rate falls so low I die. What if it has a residual effect on my heart afterwards. What if I make things worse. Afraid of meds. I'm afraid. Afraid of death afraid of living. So I'm in torment. My CBT was short and not helpful. So now I'm waiting for a referral to another clinic.
I'm having this test to help me finally know for sure that I haven't got heart decease. My biggest fear. So I'm electing to have this scan. Yet why does my fear of hospitals kick in and raise my heart rate. Why can't I be more chilled about it. The fear of BBs is so out of control. I made the mistake of looking up the facts. Then I found a bad sight that one person said you could die. This has made me paranoid. Idiots on this site. Cannot remember which site as I was in a panic. But it's an America forum. Never again. I rarely do this. I stick to this site normally. How on earth I'm going to get through this I don't know. A week is so long. I wish they would put me to sleep and get it over with.
All this is my stupid thoughts which I listen to. The normal me just accepts it. But the flight and fear mode has stepped in. So now I'm trying very hard to control these thoughts of danger. Because that's what it's all about. I feel I'm in danger. So my response is to protect myself. But I'm not protecting myself, I'm letting it do more harm than good. Our natural responses to run are out of control. See what tomorrow brings.

09-12-13, 10:35
To combat the fight or flight cycle you're stuck in at the moment you should practice a daily relaxation exercise like meditation. It will soothe your nervous system so that you feel camer and more rational.

It would also be a good idea to learn a simple breathing exercise that will help you to remain calm before and throughout your hospital appointment.

09-12-13, 12:08
Hi honeylove,
Thank you for your reply. I only ever get the fight and flight when I get anxious about anything that it believe irrationally that will harm me. I really need to beat this. Just came back from yoga which I love. Your right I do need to practice breathing and relaxation.

09-12-13, 17:44
If you're struggling to control irrational thoughts then CBT would be a good option for you, it's designed to help with this kind of issue. You could also learn techniques to cut off that panic reaction before it even begins.

09-12-13, 21:27
The CBT that I finished was nit CBT as I know it. She delved too much into my past, rather than sorting out my phobia. She did me no favours. Thanks