View Full Version : Hi all :)

09-12-13, 10:00
My name is Madison and I am an anxiety sufferer. It's been with me on and off all my life in different manifestations. I currently have mild agoraphobia and a comorbid dysfunction of the inner ear which causes motion sickness and depersonalization. Hope to meet supportive people and gain helpful skills.


09-12-13, 10:26
Hello Madison,

Can you say a bit more about the different manifestations of your anxiety over the years, and your agoraphobia? It may help people to make a comment.

Are you taking any medication, or having treatment? Again, it may help people to comment.

Take care, and enjoy Seattle (okay, a bit cold this time of year).

blue moon
09-12-13, 11:42
Hi Madison:D Welcome to the site,hope you enjoy NMP and make friends along the way.....(hanshan it is very hot in north QLD)


09-12-13, 12:10
Hi Madison. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure that you will find a lot of help on ere. I know that I have. Good luck.

13-12-13, 22:11
It can either come from a period of general restlessness or triggering situations. I've also been diagnosed with vestibular imbalance. I fear driving, leaving the house on occasion, and flying to the extreme.