View Full Version : Anxiety and memory loss

09-12-13, 10:14

09-12-13, 10:22
I'm sorry you're feeling so anxious today - what have you been doing to manage the anxiety in your life?

09-12-13, 10:30
Trying to keep my mind occupied but not working. Does anyone thik that memory loss is normal?

09-12-13, 10:32
It will take a lot more than trying to keep your mind occupied, anxiety is a tough one to battle with simply in your own head, it needs sme extra work.

Have you tried CBT or any online free CBT courses? You could apply them to this issues you're struggling with.

Have you thought about working in daily relaxation or meditation exercises into your life in order to deal with stress better?

09-12-13, 10:34
Im starting CBT soon but am in a bad way now, I am mostly worried about this memory issue

09-12-13, 10:36
Put it out of your mind and go spend the time learning a relaxation technique you can use instead of thinking about it. When you catch yourself thinking about it use the technique. It can be breathing, mindfulness, EFT, anything to take your focus away from the worry and help you to regain your sense of inner calm.

09-12-13, 11:03
I cant for the first time i feel like ending it. My brain is playing tricks with me and its not fair. I am losing it. How would i just forget hat

---------- Post added at 11:03 ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 ----------

Its not fair,. im in a black hole.

09-12-13, 13:47
honestly the same thing happened to me a while ago. I put the biscuit tin in the fridge (something I have never ever done before) and when I realised I spent at least 4 days looking up symptoms of dementia and early onset alzheimers.
In the course of looking, I found out that anxiety is a BIG cause of memory loss! I'm sure it is just your anxiety levels are so high (even if you don't realise it) and your mind just deals with that. Also the harder you try to remember the number (ie a pin number) the worse it gets because again, an element of panic is setting in overriding your normal memory function - as in OMG, what';s wrong! I can't remember my pin - it must be a tumour!!

09-12-13, 13:58
when my anxietys first started nearly 6 years ago my memory loss was realy bad for a good 3 years. then went ok. but recently is back but now im frightend if its something else. you just try an figure out each day why this awfull thing is happening to me/us. anxiety the burden.

09-12-13, 16:59
I forgot what I was going to say.... Oh yeah.... but you did remember your password to log on here ;)

Get it?

09-12-13, 17:26

It is hard not to sound harsh in my response so I am just going to shoot. My response to this is the same as every other post you have made. There really is nothing that people on here can do to help you unless you are prepared to tackle the real demon that is anxiety.

One of the things I learned during CBT was to confront my fears. I forced myself to imagine what I would do were my worst case scenario to come true, I even went so far as writing it down and recording it so I could listen back again and again. I then had a session where I discussed what would happen as let's face it who knows what is going to happen. I came to the same conclusion that were that to happen that I would take it on with the gusto that I have taken on life's challenges so far. My conclusion - that my imagination of the worst case is probably worse.

09-12-13, 18:10
If anyone is going through a bad patch with anxiety- memory is the first thing that suffers. If I have something very important that I have to remember, then it is etched in my brain. If someone I have just met tells me their name then I forget it. I try to get the name back by going through the alphabet -sometimes it works and sometimes not.
I sometimes put the wrong name into the laptop (password)
I had a memory test with GP not long ago. I did not pass with flying colours,
but the GP was not concerned.
I am surrounded by bits of paper with things jotted down, I have papers plastered all
over the radiator cover.
I have just posted some Christmas cards, have checked and checked they all
have stamps on them:unsure: