View Full Version : Drinking??

09-12-13, 10:18
maybe i'm just having a blip... maybe its a coincidence... maybe its not..

saturday night i had a drink... between 2 of us, we drank half a litre of rum...

yesterday started off ok but as the day went on i got increasingly anxious, and a general scared feeling, then today i;ve carried on that feeling... feeling so unsure about everything ,scared, anxious, everything feels like its disappearing and i have nothing...

i feel tired although i'm kinda sure i slept ok??!

i feel like crying... i dont want to talk or communicate with anyone...

im struggling



blue moon
09-12-13, 11:36
That is a lot of rum,anyone who drinks so much would be anxious and a general feeling of being not in control,do you take medication?


09-12-13, 11:58
citalopram 30mg...

And no not really, it was half a litre between 2 of us over the course of 6 hours or more, i had less than half of that, my other half had most of it to be honest, i wouldnt have had more than the equivilant of 5 or 6 single measure drinks, 1 an hour, hardly a lot of drink to be honest?! i'm far from a light weight, and an expeisive date when it comes to getting drunk, fortunately for me, not so for anyone buying drinks, i've always had a good reelationship with rum, dark and white, and whiskey... i just was unsure why suddenly, on these tablets, that might have changed...

or if its a coincidence and just a bad day landing the day after a drink...

i dont wish to be judged on drinking to be honest, i just wanted to know how alcohol reacted with citalopram... most people say its ok (my own brother included) but i have also heard from some that it increases anxiety and not to drink at all... so i was intersted to hear what other people had experienced... if you're an anti drink person or feel the need to dis any drinking, then please dont criticise me... thanks

i was also not drunk, or out of control or had altered behaviour at all... i slept fine, woke up fine... but as the day progressed i felt more anxious... i've had no "hangover" feeling at all

09-12-13, 12:14
Deep down I think you know what the problem and solution is. If alcohol makes your anxiety worse, then you need to work out a plan for reducing or eliminating your intake. No, it's not going to be easy, but nothing worthwhile in life ever is. I'm also trying to reduce the amount of unhealthy things in my diet and that's not easy either.

In order to overcome your anxiety, you're going to need to make some healthy lifestyle changes - meds on their own is not enough. I'm sorry if this upsets you but sometimes people need tough love in order to improve themselves.

09-12-13, 12:24
it doesnt upset me becuase theres nothing to be upset about...?!

i am not a big drinker, and i dont have a drinking problem, and i have never ever had a problem with drink before making me feel bad in anyway, ive been having some blips without anything else added into the equation, so it might be a coincidence... ive 3 friends on citalopram and all drink regularly problem free, but then online i see that on these meds it can increase some peoples anxiety...

---------- Post added at 12:24 ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 ----------

I also like a drink and sorry if you thought you were being judged,I just know that meds and alcohol do make some peoples anxiety worse,I get anxious and feel not well for a couple of days after,so now I have not so many,between the drink and smokes well I feel rotten.Please do not think I was critising you now I feel bad,I am sorry if I upset you


no no its ok!! i just wanted to know why i was feelign like this... ive never been affected by drink in my life, no matter how much of what i drink... then i have 5 or 6 shots and POW i feel anxious and like my worlds ending.. ive never felt like this before... is it a coincidence and a badly timed blip or the drink?

im not bothered over drink, this is my first in maybe a month and will probably be my last, .... xxx

10-12-13, 23:21
Hi hun :D:hugs:

I am one of those people who say, NO alcohol with meds, BUT THAT'S ME.

When acute with panic/anxiety, I don't like taking meds, so was but on amatripaline. I chose to stop drinking altogether, but that was MY choice, NOT forever, just when acute. I do have a drink now from time to time.

If you choose to drink, try and understand your own anxiety, for some people, drinking with this med will not effect them, BUT for others it will. We are ALL different, we all may have similar symptoms, but what brought us to panic/anxiety and whats keeping it there is different for us all.

***ive never been affected by drink in my life, no matter how much of what i drink... then i have 5 or 6 shots and POW i feel anxious and like my worlds ending.. ive never felt like this before... is it a coincidence and a badly timed blip or the drink? ***

I don't think anyone can have the answer to this question, the answers will have to come from YOU.

I can only say for myself and for me, when acute, I felt that I had to leave alcohol alone for awhile, until I could a least bring my anxiety levels down to a more manageable level.

You WILL in time, sort things out hun:D:hugs:



Catherine S
10-12-13, 23:28
Could it just have been the rum? Different drinks can have different effects. I'm ok with brandy and could drink it forever without any anxiety afterwards, but more than 2 galsses of red wine and I feel dreadful afterwards. Also, Ive found that my tolerance changes as I get older. But for sure, not all drinks affect your body in the same way.

11-12-13, 01:42
The alcohol seems like its definitely to blame. I wouldn't say the type of alcohol makes a difference though.

There's a science to it. Alcohol activates GABA receptors in the brain - these are calming neurotransmitters. It also inhibits glutamine receptors - one of the body's natural stimulants. After drinking, the glutamine 'rebounds' which means that you typically experience a poor quality of sleep after drinking, and in some cases, have bad anxiety.

In future I would limit alcohol use to very small amounts. Getting drunk is a nice experience, but brings a lot of problems to those with anxiety disorders.

11-12-13, 10:50
The alcohol seems like its definitely to blame. I wouldn't say the type of alcohol makes a difference though.

There's a science to it. Alcohol activates GABA receptors in the brain - these are calming neurotransmitters. It also inhibits glutamine receptors - one of the body's natural stimulants. After drinking, the glutamine 'rebounds' which means that you typically experience a poor quality of sleep after drinking, and in some cases, have bad anxiety.

In future I would limit alcohol use to very small amounts. Getting drunk is a nice experience, but brings a lot of problems to those with anxiety disorders.

I can't remember the last time i was drunk... it must be a year or more ago i think?! I don;t miss that feeling anymore though, so i am glad!!

i like this reply, and it makes sense a lot, its a science. I think thats the bit i struggle accepting, this "illness" taking over me is a science, chemical inbalances, i've been on this citalopram 3 going on 4 months maybe, before that time i was rarey affected by alcohol and don;t believe its an age thing, i'm not that old anyway ;) but as for activating things in my body, it would work against the flow of these med's and so causing imbalances.

My brother did advise me steer clear of alcohol for a month or so because it made him violently sick, but then he was ok and ergularly has a beer or two with his mates. Same goes for my best friends daughter, shes had citalpram for 4 years and initially for a month or two she was sick but then was ok... i feel left out LOL they can so why can't i just enjoy a social couple of drinks!! Probably my sulking didnt help me either...?!!!


12-12-13, 16:03
I had a beer yesterday and was shaking and sick for a few hours.

I won't be drinking on Citalopram again x