View Full Version : Hello everyone..

09-12-13, 13:13
Hi all,

I have finally took the courage to join as I been using/looking as this website since being diagnosed with GAD November last year (2012)

Whilst i usually find posts from members that seem to be going through the same thing there is always extra questions or thoughts I have as I cant believe how i constantly feel day to day (which varies in magnitude) can be anxiety related:weep:

Ive had CBT which i found informative and made total sense plus i am a logical minded person, but maybe thats my downfall as i try and read and make more out of my symptoms :wacko:

So hopefully sharing with fellow people who go through the same thing may help me put things into a little more perspective.



09-12-13, 13:44
welcome brum. hope your ok. i suffer health anx & panic but very rare now the panic. TOUCH WOOD. even though i,ve just had a short wave of panic come over me. ha,ha.

09-12-13, 14:21
Hi my name is Melissa I suffer with low self esteem, and am not coping very well at all with life at the moment, get very jealous when my partner contacts his wife about his kids and convince myself that there is something going on between them and that he still cares about her. I found out that the other day he lied to me about contacting her and I have got myself in a right state about it he said he didn't tell me as he knows how I would react about it but now he has lied I don't feel I can trust him or believe a word he says - help - its destroying our relationship.

09-12-13, 14:39
Hi Brum :welcome: to NMP