View Full Version : London meet up only females

09-12-13, 15:20

Is there any female out there who suffers from social anxiety but would like to go out and socialize?

12-01-14, 18:54
Hi there,
I've just come across this message today, I would be very interested to Socialise, I used to suffer from extreme social anxiety, I'm better than I used to be but always seek continued help and practice I live in London but happy to come to Essex? has this event been and gone? will there be another one if so? hope to hear from you :)

16-01-14, 00:07
Hi Marie,

I also live in London and I don't have any female friend due to these anxiety issues, I didn't go to this event in Essex i really don't know anything about this. I'm 32 years old, im interested in art, i would be happy to go out and visit current exhibitions and maybe later coffee, please let me know :)

03-03-14, 19:34
Hi Anna and Marie,

I also live in London and would really like to make some friends who get the whole anxiety thing! Let's arrange something :)