View Full Version : Annual physical in a few hrs - I can barely function!!!

09-12-13, 16:35
In a few hrs I have my annual checkup. This is a 'routine' physical. But I am so incredibly nervous today! I thought I was 'over' my HA.

Why am I nervous? The main reason is my fear of my blood pressure. 2 years ago a high reading is what sparked my health anxiety. Ever since then I have avoided taking it. I used to take it myself at the pharmacy.. no more!

And I know it is a self fullfilling prophecy! For example, usually my resting heart rate is around 65. It used to be 75 or so, but through excerice I have improved it. Today it is 85.

So I am terrified my BP will also go really high,,,, leading to tests... leading to a relapse of my HA!

09-12-13, 16:39
You do know that in all likelihood your BP and resting heart rate may be a little high based on your nerves right?

Positive thoughts

09-12-13, 16:40
Relax Robin.

Routine physical is all it is and there most likely will be nothing wrong.

You are nervous because you have a fear of "something " being wrong.

Either way, there is nothing you can do about it. All you can do is enjoy right now and deal with whatever comes your way

09-12-13, 17:03
I've heard some people ask not to be told things like weight, blood pressure, etc. Can you ask the nurse before s/he takes the reading not to tell you the results? Or will that just make you wonder more?

09-12-13, 17:52
Thanks for the replies.
Yes I am well aware that anxiety will increase my heart rate and blood pressure. However part of health anxiety is we are irrational, and will assume the cause is something more serious (at least I assume that). Also I am afraid of having tests, especially now at Christmas.

I am not sure if not knowing is better or not. I think I will have to express my fear and take it from there.

Right now I am at the gym. I just ran 5km on the treadmill, and will run a few more. I am hoping this will provide an outlet for my panic to come out, instead of keeping it in.

09-12-13, 22:41
So I went! And my fear came true in terms of blood pressure.
On the good side my bloods were good.

On the bad, I was nervous and told him. I had 155, 153,140, and 155 again. He wants me to monitor for a month. I am to take it 3 times a week at different times of the day. We may then do the 24hr monitor or medication.

I guess considering my fear came true I feel ok. My kidneys and liver were good. I think it is stress. We will see how I feel tomorrow.

By the time of the appt my resting rate was 105, compared to 65 normally. So I was very nervous.

09-12-13, 22:55
Mine is the same every time I go to the doctors! White coat syndrome! I take it at home and its 118/78, go to the dr. it is 145/90. So I was just told to take it every now and again to make sure, but otherwise its just nerves. I'm sure its the same with you!