View Full Version : Teeth?

09-12-13, 19:51
On holiday in the usa I relaxed my dental hygiene rule a bit :blush:
Brushed in the morning but not at night like I do at home.
Anyway I drank lots of coca cola their, lots of ice cream, chocolate, biscuits, cakes, Carmel lattes, hazelnut lattes etc, lots of orange juice, banana smoothies
Now I have one area of gum that bleeds and has a mark on it.
I need to book a dentist app tomorrow but I'm scared of the pain I may get from this and the treatment. Any advice? Not anxious so much but just fearful of dental treatment,

09-12-13, 20:30
I wouldn't worry about it, you might not need treatment. Just wait and see what they say. Sometimes gums bleed if you've not been brushing properly, but now you're back to brushing better they may settle down over time. What's the mark?