View Full Version : This is me..

09-12-13, 20:07
I am 19. I have recently moved away from home to start University. Last night i woke up in the middle of the night after only an hour's sleep, choking and gasping for breath. The panic in me was unreal. I genuinely thought I wasn't going to get my breath back in time.

Half an hour ago, I googled what had happened and was linked to this page where a boy had posted about the same experience.. which is why I joined.

I have always been a nervous person for as long as i can remember, however i think it got worse as i attended high school. Just like everyone, i hated doing solo talks in front of the class, but being from a smaller primary school than the majority of people at the high school, i felt so much quieter and withdrawn from the rest.

I had friends all the way through high school, and made the best friends in my last 2 years. Now that i am at university, i still visit home a couple of times a month and see my friends who i love to bits. I am closer to a few of them than the others, as i know they would never ever judge me.

The thing is, i don't have a reason to have an anxiety disorder.. it just kind of crept up on me. I am funny (so i've been told), i'm average looking and i have lots of friends at university.

But 2 years ago i went to the doctors to gain help with my anxiety. The counsellor wasn't much help. I know she tried her best but it somehow didn't work.

At the end of the day, i have brilliant friends, a good social life, a loving family and I got into university. But somehow i still get intimidated by almost everyone, have feelings of worthlessness and paranoia, and i'm not really sure where to go from here.

My greatest fear is social humiliation. I can't think of anything worse than making a full out of myself in front of people. I get frights easily and for the first time in my life i'm finding it almost impossible to fall asleep. I think this is partially because i have moved away from home, but it's like my mind is on overload. I just overthink everything, not so much the future but more the past. Re-think things that have upset me or things that worry me.

I'm not really sure where this rant is going..... cry for help i guess.

09-12-13, 22:22
Acceb, welcome to the forum. There doesn't always have to be an apparent reason for anxiety and panic attacks. You have just made some big changes in your life, and that can be stressful. I think that you will find a great deal of support on this forum.

09-12-13, 23:54
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

10-12-13, 17:27
Hi Acceb :welcome: to the forum

10-12-13, 17:47
Hi, Acceb and welcome.

10-12-13, 18:12
Hi :welcome: I am sure you will find lots of support here. Adjusting to a new life style as you are at uni is not easy to start with. Most uni's have their own counselling services and maybe they will be able to offer you some support?