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View Full Version : Anxiety and Awareness?

09-12-13, 21:00
Right now im really suffering with awareness of bodily functions. I have been suffering with breathing awareness for a while but have been getting much better at dealing with it. Now I have just started being aware of my blinking and its freaking me out I am getting really fed up of this awareness of everything its taking the enjoyment out of life. What can I do?

09-12-13, 21:16
Hi I had similar problems concentrating on my heart beats. Try to accept that you are fine and carry on with life you will be fine accept your anxiety and it will diminish.

09-12-13, 22:23
It's interesting how "awareness" of things for you is negetive and you want it to stop, but people who mindfully meditate strive for everyday awareness and sometimes find it very hard! They would gladly swap with you.
The only real problem is that you don't want it, and that's what keeps it going. You trying to stop it. To try not to think about something is impossible and you make it ten times worse trying. What you need to do is the opposite; will it to happen, make yourself, for a set time, try to concentrate on every blink and breath. All that will happen is you will get bored. And then next time you notice, say to yourself that you will concentrate on it for half an hour and you will be bored in a few minutes! It's all about the point of view.

10-12-13, 17:46
Thank you that really helped me open my eyes! :D I find when I egt distracted easily because like you said its just boring :L Thank you so much :D