View Full Version : WHY are we like this?

09-12-13, 22:11
I'm so anxious about my health and waiting for test results right now that I feel absolutely ill. I can't eat, I can barely breathe, and I'm just sick to death of feeling like this.

Why do I have this problem? I just don't understand. Is it something wrong with my brain? Is it something to do with my childhood or the way I was raised? I wish I had an answer. I have tried to figure out why I'm like this to no avail. Maybe if I had the answer I'd be able to fix this somehow?

I've done CBT for social anxiety, and it helped immensely. However, it hasn't translated to health anxiety specifically and I'm still suffering these debilitating fears. I'm on medication and I have a counsellor. What else can I do?

I can't live like this.

09-12-13, 22:29
I can think of many reasons why I worry about my health. I've had lots of therapy for the last 30 odd years. It's not like the movies - revelation does not bring some miracle understanding that frees you from the worry. Worry is a habit and its a nasty one.

I often feel like I can't make the 'leap of faith' - I have much knowledge, but no faith. You can only get faith by believing in something that may not be true. "Am I REALLY alright?" Can that question be answered so that your satisfied? My guess is not and that's how I feel. That's really hard.

I admire people who have religion; they believe without the need for proof. Even when I have proof that I'm okay, I start to worry about something else. I'd never been to the Doctor for any tests due to agoraphobia. So last year, for the first time I was brave: I got my blood pressure, diabetes check, ECG - the whole kit and caboodle. Everything came back fine and I was happy and relieved. I think it lasted best part of a week.

I try to adopt a "wait and see" attitude and on a good day it works well. I'll 'wait and see' how I feel tomorrow; I'll wait and see if this pain goes away; I'll wait and see what these results say and then wait and see what I should do next.

Damn hard of course:scared15:

09-12-13, 23:02
It really does come down to the big 'What if" ... I am constantly being told to stop playing the 'What if' game but for the life of me I can't.

I never really thought of it in terms of a lack of faith, but that really is spot on. I have a lack of faith that things will be okay, and so I can't just let GO. I really want a chance to enjoy my life, too, and I feel determined to find a way....

10-12-13, 08:31
"I have much knowledge, but no faith" - this is spot on. This is exactly why we feel thsi way. Positive people just believe that all things will work out - if they get sick that they will be ok and if they find out that things wont be ok then they say "thats life"

we on the other hand try to fight everything and believe that nothing will be ok - we have no faith in anything and just believe the worst all the time.