View Full Version : Worried about routine eyetest

09-12-13, 22:18
Hello everyone,

Im a longstanding health anxiety sufferer, though in the last year and a half, my anxiety has only been about 5% of what it used to be, so not really an issue these days.

However, about a year ago, I devloped an irrational concern regarding my eyes, not that I actually had any symptoms... but you know how it is with health anxiety, you dont need evidence.

I am 6 months past my routine eye check up and I need some new frames, so Ive booked myself in for an eye test tomorrow morning, but for some reason, Im rather scared of having it done in case something nasty shows up. My last test showed everything healthy. I don't know what they can see when doing an eye exam, so I dont know if Im worrying for the sake of it.

Need some reassurance that Im likely being paranoid and my eyes could not have had something go drastically wrong without symptoms. Im not concerned about a change in vision. Im scared they'll see something else.

Can someone please give me a metaphorical boot up the bum, for being paranoid and talk some logic into me?

09-12-13, 23:57
I went about five or six years without seeing an eye doctor and got really panicky that something would be wrong, especially since I wear contacts all day every day and my eyes are always burning.

I kept putting it off due to fear and eventually I made myself go and I was so, so convinced there would be something seriously wrong.

My eyes were perfectly healthy, just a little dry. I'm sure yours will be too, especially since you've been checked fairly recently. Good luck! You'll feel better when it's over :)

10-12-13, 08:41
thank you. leaving for my appt in about 15 mins. still nervous but youve made me feel a little better. ill let you know how it goes x

10-12-13, 14:41
Ok so I worried for nothing. My eyes are healthy and fine. Will I never learn?

10-12-13, 15:00
Probably not :-)

Same as the rest of us

10-12-13, 19:48
So glad to hear! I hope you feel better now. Don't beat yourself up for feeling anxious, you faced the fear and went to the appointment and you should be proud of yourself :)