View Full Version : Coping techniques

09-12-13, 22:40
I will not google my symptoms for any reason, ever, from this day forward.

I will not seek reassurance from the internet or loved ones.

I will trust my doctor.

I will distract myself with something unrelated when anxious thoughts creep in.

I will continue daily activities despite anxiety.

I will make a conscious effort to be thankful every day for the positive things in my life.

I will practise not thinking in black and white terms - things are not either perfect or awful. I can be happy despite things not being perfect in my life.

I will challenge anxious thoughts and try to counter them with more realistic ones.

I will try to accept the things I cannot control, and constantly remind myself that I am not always in control and that’s okay.

I will take care of myself physically.

I will remind myself of all the times I pushed through episodes of extreme anxiety and how I can do it again because I am strong.

I will treat myself the way I would treat a friend or loved one, with kindness and compassion and forgiveness.

I will keep fighting and strive to end this suffering for myself and others in any way I can.

09-12-13, 23:42
A second person that is going to print his off and put it on my office wall. Thanks for sharing this positive thread.