View Full Version : Enlarged heart!

09-12-13, 23:59
Does anyone feel there heartbeat like all the time? I can feel mine beat all over my chest. It kinda scares me hence the crazy subject heading. I don't know if I just notice it more because I've been extra anxious recently or what? I know how silly this sounds. What else other than an ECG can I ask for at the docs. I don't wanna be that story on the daily mail about the person with an undiagnosed condition.

10-12-13, 08:24
This is anxiety. Go for a run and see how you feel after that

15-12-13, 11:02
I had an ecg after feeling my heart beat all the time. Results came back normal and I felt like such a **** after for wasting time. If you van keep your pace on a long walk without losing your breath, your heart is most likely a healthy one.

15-12-13, 12:16
Does anyone feel there heartbeat like all the time? I can feel mine beat all over my chest. It kinda scares me hence the crazy subject heading. I don't know if I just notice it more because I've been extra anxious recently or what? I know how silly this sounds. What else other than an ECG can I ask for at the docs. I don't wanna be that story on the daily mail about the person with an undiagnosed condition.

I posted the same response to a similar thread.... I'd be more worried if I couldn't feel my heart ;)

Positive thoughts