View Full Version : getting annoyed with rash

10-11-06, 20:31
had to see my doctor the other week as i came out in a rash she said it was pitiriasis rosea and it would clear in 4-6 weeks she gave me hydrocortosone cream but now my skin feels very dry and tichy driving me mad today cant stop scratching then thought maybe doctor is wrong and it is something worse so by tonight i have talked myself into thinking it is skin cancer or a deadly skin complaint

dont know wiether i should go back to doctors or not
she didnt say what had caused it so i am not sure

10-11-06, 20:38
Don't scratch it cause that will make it worse.
I'm sure if the doctor has said that it's that then that's what it is.
I know how you feel though, when I went to the doctor about my chest pain and shortness of breath I was sure he was wrong about it being worry because he hadn't checked my heart. But you must remember that they are the professional and they know what to look for and not us.
It just helps if you remember that, I tried just to keep that thought in my mind and my chest pains went 2 days after my doctors appointment.

10-11-06, 20:40
Hi there, am sorry you are feeling so awful and itchy, have no sound advice really, but i can guarantee you do not have skin cancer or any other deadly skin disease...maybe the cream has not worked for you, there are so many available, go back to your doctor and ask him to prescribe another...in the meantime, maybe ring your pharmacy for advice over the week-end. sorry no help but i hope things will settle soon, try not to worry (if only) xxx

10-11-06, 20:43
Hi Syl,

I agree with Jean, maybe the pharmacy can suggest a calming oatmeal or something else to put in a bath which will help along with the cream you are using until you can call your doctor on Monday. Hope you feel better soon.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

10-11-06, 21:28
Try an anti-histamine - helps me when I am itching


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

11-11-06, 01:05
The doctor was right about it, its nothing serious at all. About this time last year, I had an eczema flare-up so bad that I couldn't sleep at night because of it.