View Full Version : Anyone with problem teeth? Could use some support

10-12-13, 09:16
Hi - Not been around for a while as health anxiety wise I have been doing ok. I live however with a constant low level of anxiety that I keep squashing down about my teeth. I am and always have had a huge fear of losing them. I am 40 and my dentist says the state of my teeth worry him due to my age - he would expect to see their condition in someone 25/30 yrs older. I am so scared and sad and keep crying and could use a hug right now. (or a magic wand).

I have been to dentist every 6 months since the age of 3. I have had extensive and expensive work done in bid to keep them - many porcelain inlays, crown, 3 root canals. I have 2 molars with huge temporary fillings in for 4 years now as the cavity was so deep he can't numb me enough. My mouth has so little real tooth in it. My front 12 are ok, but premolars, molars and the 2 wisdom teeth I have are nearly all filling. I also had 4 premolars out for brace when younger so I am 4 down on most people before I start! Despite trying my best to keep them, I know I am fighting a losing battle. I am in constant stress, daren't eat anything I need to chew even toast, ham, salad etc. I don't know what to do. I have low level discomfort all the time. Compared to other things I could have I try to rationalise only teeth but I feel awful. A college friend has cancer...I know she would swap. I am ashamed of how upset I am but feel so low. I know a combination of fixed braces for 5 years meant I could not floss - honestly I was a teenager and I wouldn't have anyway to be fair. I have a crap diet with a very sweet tooth and have not always been the clean twice a day girl I am today. I also grind them a bit in the night through anxiety I think. I know I have done this to myself. I guess that is why I struggle as fI eel to blame and feel others will judge me.

I am not sure I should be here I suppose I am trying to find people who are coping with dentures especially at a younger age, or have the same issues as me with bad teeth. People don't understand my fear or how affected I am.

To top it all, one of my temp filled molars also has filling at the base near the gum. I noticed on saturday that it has a crack in. I have an appt today and I am so scared. I can't see how he can save it, I will struggle to afford it if he can (put know i will pay if he can). I have never had a tooth out apart from when under GA as a child getting brace work. The idea of extraction petrifies me too but more so any blood after and worst of all the gap that is left and the fact that like an old car as one bit goes the rest will follow. Sorry for being such a wuss - I am pathetic but so so scared :(

love flump x

10-12-13, 10:18
I have finally submitted to partial dentures. The best thing I ever did. I'll tell you why. Because now the gaps are filled in and I can smile with confidence. The only thing is to make sure they fit properly and they are the right shade for you. No one knows I have them.

10-12-13, 10:24
Thanks Raphaels - you sound so positive! Good to hear :)

Can I ask how old you are? Can you eat with them ok? How do they stay in... I am worried that they need to attach to nearby teeth that are already damaged and will deteriorate further if that makes sense?

---------- Post added at 11:24 ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 ----------

Sorry - don't need to tell me age if don't want to, not trying to be rude. I appreciate your response - just desperately seeking reassurance here xx

10-12-13, 11:58
I have had issues with my teeth since I was in my 30 s I am now a young 60. Age isn't the issue. If you have a good dentist and believe when I say I'm phobic of dentist you'll be fine. I started with one false. And plenty of gaps at the top. I was so embarrassed to smile as I had hardly any there. Then I had to have a second front tooth out this September. My dentist said straight away he was going ti fill the gaps. I'm so pleased. Yes they are attached at the back but no one can tell. And I can now chew food properly. Your dentist will tell you if your teeth are ok for dentures. Take advice. Good luck. Xx

10-12-13, 12:08
Thanks Raphaels

I think you are right and I need to wait for advice from dentist. He is good and knows how scared I am. I cry nearly ever visit (kind of gives it away I guess).
Sorry to keep asking q's - what issues have you had with teeth since 30's ... I guess I want to know if similar to mine... Thanks for taking time to reply xx