View Full Version : Back again

10-12-13, 18:26
Hi Guys,
Iv used this site before, it was a massive help to me last time i was having a bit of a difficult time, logging in today I realised this was about 18 months ago since i last visited!

So im back with a new worry, I was getting on fine, got myself back to work (this was after i was off sick for 2 weeks with a bug & was panicking about going back) and iv been pretty much ok ever since.
I was at work last week when some guy asked one of my collegues (which happened to be his brother in law) for my number. Iv been single a long time and this was a complete shock for me, I never expected it and had got myself thinking I would always be on my own. I wasnt really looking for a relationship because of all my anxiety problems i didnt want to put that onto somebody else because its just not fair.
So I think i jumped in a bit too soon, maybe did the wrong thing and added him on facebook (instead of going down the number route)-we spoke for ages and I actually enjoyed talking to him. This was on the Sunday night,I saw him at work on the Monday & again on the Tuesday, then he asked if i wanted to go cinema the following night, I said yes without really thinking and then the panic started. All day Tuesday I panicked constantly about the date on Wednesday-i was that bad i asked if we could go Tuesday (that night) instead just so i could get it over with and so i didnt have to think about it for another day. I lost my appetite from that day (now a week ago) but i was brave and went on the date and was ok-how i did it i dont know but i did have a few wobbles here and there. Ever since then iv been a wreck, i managed to go to work the next 3 days and i dont know how iv managed it because im now in full blown panic mode, cant eat, cant sleep and i think iv made myself ill, iv had to take 2 days sick from work because where iv not slept or eaten iv made myself weak and nauseous from all the panic, i literally cannot function properly. I dont know whether i also caught some kind of bug because iv felt so crappy but surely that would be really unlucky?
The guy is so nice, so understanding and iv been honset and told him how i am, he's still interested so i know i have no real reason to be freaking out but it dosn't stop me!! Im trying my best not to but i just cant do it, im trying to eat- its so hard but im managing little and often. Iv spent the day on and off sleeping because i feel so worn out with it all. I have to go back to work because i know if i dont il get worse, i cant take any more time off so im going to force myself to get up and go tomorrow even if i do feel ill, i can always come home if i get too bad. Im sorry for the essay story guys, i dont really have anyone else to talk to, any advice, comments, opinions would be so much appreciated. Thanks xxxxxxxxxx