View Full Version : Hello from a serial Anxiety denier!

robert tressell
10-12-13, 21:39
Hi I'm new on the forum ;I am a 47 year old male who has suffered alone
with anxiety since childhood; I experience many difficult symptoms and am really struggling to come to terms with this the older i get. I work in sales and cover my feelings well, even from family and friends, all of whom think i'm a great guy but inside i feel like nothing. I have resisted medication and had less than sympathetic doctor consultations,maybe i hide it from them also!!
Hope to get some advice on how others cope. Recently I've been having panics and health anxiety. Another set of blood tests results due tomorrow and I suffer from GERD which doesn't help my health anxiety as chest pain is quite frequent. Seems to be getting worse, targets up at work, moving house and two recent deaths in the family haven't helped!
I've been offered Cipralex but am reluctant to begin this, i'm interested to know of any experiences with this drug, does it help?
Found some info on 5 HTP, grateful to hear of any experiences.
My mothers family suffered from "terrible nerves" as they used to say and sadly my eldest daughter has anxiety and depression and is on Prozac. There must be a strong genetic link in this illness. It destroys me to see her suffer.

10-12-13, 22:00
Hi Robert welcome to NMP. I agree with the genetic link as my Dad suffers from anxiety as did his Mother. (Or could it be learnt behaviour from them?) Sorry I can't advise re Cipralex but I am sure others have taken it. You could try the medication forum link at the bottom of the page.

10-12-13, 22:03
Welcome to the forum, Robert. I'm sure that you will find a great deal of hope on here. I know that definitely have found a lot of support and understanding.

11-12-13, 01:32
Hi Robert - I am new to this forum having just introduced myself. You sound sooo much like me. Suffered in silence since childhood and now as an adult and going through some personal issues it has reared it's ugly head again. I have never discussed it with a doctor and have no medication but thinking I need to go to an anxiety class and learn how to breath and relax. I am having acid reflux problems and feel the need to burp and sometimes I can't and it makes me anxious. I have also hid it well like you. I was also in sales most of my life and everyone found me very pleasant and I was well liked but felt empty. Anyway Robert I know how you feel and perhaps we can both get some help from this forum. Hope so.

11-12-13, 14:18
Hi Robert, and welcome.

Cipralex is also known as Escitalopram. You can look in the medication section further down to read others' experiences of it or ask your own questions. It's a very popular medication as it seems to help most people with very few side effects. I hope it'll help you too.

Therapy is often helpful too, as it teaches you coping mechanisms, which you can continue to use after the course is over. Medication can only lift symptoms, which is certainly useful, but therapy may also be beneficial.

11-12-13, 15:30
Hi Robert I am an anxiety sufferer and also work in high pressure sales.I have recently tried 5htp and been in a good mood since i started it so its worth a shot,maybe its placebo but who cares
you will get lots of support and help in here ,good luck :)

robert tressell
01-01-14, 20:17
hi just an update
well, 3 months after redundancy, i'm starting my new job tomorrow. This is probably the most difficult situation I can put myself in, anxiety wise. Been dreading it all through Christmas, though the crazy thing about this anxiety voice is it's telling me to stay at home and not go, even though the alternative ie no money is worse!
I hate new starts, the pressure, the politics, the spotlight, in a way.
I've really struggled career wise over the last 10 years, I've been quite successful but always haunted by the anxiety and depression demon, it's so tiring keeping it at bay. Add to this the series of crazy increasing targets, shitty back biting politics, and long hours expectation, the modern workplace really can be a tough place for sensitive people.
I'm in hotels away from home over the next week or so during induction, going to be difficult, I hope I don't start sweating and shaking!
Really must get some medication as nothing else seems to work, feel like I've missed the opportunity to try something since losing my job in October, now scared it will affect my new work!
Tried 5 HTP lifted mood slightly but made me very groggy

01-01-14, 21:15
Hi Robert,

It sounds like you do a great job battling on despite your anxiety. You don't have to suffer on your own though. I can't recommend enough that you talk to your GP about how you feel. Medication is certainly one route and there's also therapy which may help.

I know how hard it can be to have these discussions so try writing down how you feel and what you want to say and use it as a prompt - it really helps. You'll be fine in your new job. You always cope and this situation is no different. Book an appointment with your GP as soon as you can and focus on getting through the next couple of weeks. There's a free online CBT programme we recommend on here called CBT4Panic. Do a search and check it out - it might help you to understand your anxiety a little better.

Take care and good luck

Pip x

robert tressell
01-01-14, 21:26
Thank you. I will go to see my GP. I've actually been prescribed SSRIs 3 times since 2004 but been too scared to take them! I do need help though i'm fed up of living life with one eye closed.

01-01-14, 22:33
That sounds like a good plan. If you discuss medication with your GP, talk about starting on a low dose and increasing gradually. This will help to minimise the start-up side effects. You may also want to discuss some additional medication for the first couple of weeks - I took beta blockers and they helped me to keep functioning.

Good luck
