View Full Version : Celexa and vision (double vision, pupil changes)

10-12-13, 22:23
I noticed the first week I took Celexa 10 mgs (started September 20th) that my pupils seemed very dilated. That went away and then a while later I noticed the right one was more dilated than the left, sometimes by a lot. Most of the time it's very small. I have seen the neurologist twice who checked my eyes and reflexes etc. and said he didn't see signs of anything wrong but does see signs of migraine which I do have (for at least 16 years now, sinus migraines mostly and had aura in the past as well.) He told me take B2 vitamins to help with that and he would order a brain MRI just for my peace of mind. I'm in Canada so I have to wait 3 - 4 months for it unless I pay for it myself and I can't afford to right now.

On to what's been happening the past week. I've been on 20 mgs a day for about 6 weeks or something like that now and I noticed that my left eye is sometimes seeing a bit double -- just my left one. When I look at the light on my DVD player it looks like there's 2 lights, a normal one and a "ghosted" one next to it that is like a shadow. The clock radio does the same thing where I see the numbers and then a sort of "drop shadow" effect of another set of the numbers. It doesn't seem to be noticable when I look at large things or look around. It comes out a lot when I look at certain types of digital lights or writing on a TV screen etc.

Could this be from the Celexa? It started about a week or so ago though I have had blurred vision before from playing on my tablet too long or being online and looking at things up close too long. I have astigmatism in one eye and wear glasses, though I can't remember which eye has the astigmatism.

I have read so much about Celexa and honestly I have had so many side effects that I can't even keep them all straight. I had constant tremors for 6 weeks, day and night. I had severely increased anxiety the first 2 weeks and so on and so forth. I have been battling all these side effects and now worrying about my pupils, my brain, my eyesight.

Anyone experience this double vision sort of thing on Celexa? I'm seeing the eye doctor on Friday. I can't see the neurologist again til February since he's away and it's hard to get appointments here in Quebec. I didn't have the double type vision when I saw him about 3 weeks ago.

I also had a weird thing happen about 2 weeks ago where some weird yellowish fluid dripped out of my nose when my head was down. I talked to a clinic doctor, my family doc and 3 nurses who all said it's mucus and not spinal fluid. I always think the worst and panic. they're all kind of looking at me like, that girl is a mess.

Oh yeah the double vision thing went away after about ten mins the first time I noticed it, but it was at night and \i went to sleep so it could have lasted longer. I have not noticed it for about 4 days and today it came back. Then it also went away mid day for about an hour and now it's back. It gets better, then worse then better. It's all over the place. Does Celexa cause that? Why would it keep changing like that and then go away and all?

10-12-13, 22:47
I don't know about your specific visual issues, but I do know for a fact that SSRIs can cause all manner of visual issues. Some of them will persist throughout the duration of taking the medication, whereas other issues are generally transient. I developed visual snow on citalopram which didn't go away, so unfortunately I had to stop taking the medication.

10-12-13, 22:57
Visual snow, what is that like? Could you see at all with that? How long did it last?

I have read stuff online about people on Celexa having double or blurred vision etc. so I don't know. I also read a lot of accounts of pupils being dilated and also uneven, but I want to make sure if it is the Celexa for me. I have blepharitis which is a chronic infection of my tear ducts and dry eye as well and the weather's gone very dry and cold so it's hard to tell. I have not had this double vision thing before Celexa, though. Or the pupil thing ever before Celexa. Makes me think Celexa is messing with me somehow.

They say that side effects can come on even after weeks of treatment. I hadn't known that before. It took 6 weeks for my tremors to stop so maybe the eye stull will, too? It's been weeks for the uneven pupils -- maybe a month now, not sure. The double stuff just started last week.

I noticed something also weird -- when I look at the clock radio now it looks normal but I look at the TV and words are doubled. So what's up with that? But now I looked back at the clock and the numbers have a double again. Confusing how it comes and goes constantly all day.

11-12-13, 01:49
The visual snow I had was only really an issue when using a computer. I could still drive etc though. Unfortunately I have to use a computer a lot and therefore had to stop taking it, even though it was benefiting my anxiety and lessening my intrusive thoughts.

The visual snow started around 4-5 weeks after I started taking it. These things can suddenly come on it seems. I would speak to your Doctor about it - the side effect may go away in due course, but there is also the possibility that it won't. You have to weigh up the benefits of the medication with the side effects that it brings.

---------- Post added at 01:49 ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 ----------

The visual snow is like looking at an untuned TV screen - there is static, or a shimmering 'heat haze', throughout your vision. I stopped citalopram around 2 months ago and its got better, but its still there to a small extent. I just hope that it goes away eventually!

11-12-13, 02:29
That sounds really intolerable. How can you read or write or work with that? Some of these side effects are just really not compatible with everyday living. I get so angry and frustrated by doctors who downplay it and say well, the benefit outweighs the side effects. Not if I can't see!

27-12-13, 04:18
I've had a somewhat similar experience on Celexa. I am about 3 1/2 weeks in atm, and at about week 2 I started with having small hallucinations when my eyes were closed and I was almost asleep. While that first thing went away I have noticed I now will occasionally have blurry vision and one pupil will be more dilated that the other. I'm trying to cope with these side effects right now, but it can be tough because it is easy to take these changes as a symptom of something more serious.

27-12-13, 17:20
I'm currently on day 14 and my eye sight is really bad. I usually wouldn't have to wear my glasses unless I was driving late at night or if I was really tired but now I have to wear them every single day because everything is so blurry. I remember when I was on paxil at the start of the year the same thing happened and after a few months my body and eyes seemed to adjust to the medication.

27-12-13, 22:27
Thanks for sharing, sedaw1. It is pretty interesting that it seems to affect people's eye function in varying ways. It does seem that it clears up for most people after a couple months, and hearing experiences like yours helps me feel a little more comfortable with these visual changes.


28-12-13, 11:47
I get so angry and frustrated by doctors who downplay it and say well, the benefit outweighs the side effects. Not if I can't see!

They downplay it because there is no magical cure to anxiety and depression. When you're sitting in the surgery asking for help they'll give you the drug that's statistically proven to work with statistically the least side effects and statistically is the safest.

There's no easy way to say who will and who won't have each and every side effect and if the doctor goes through each possible side effect a) it will take forever listing side effects you won't have and b) chances are you won't want to take the drug. And with the limited tools for dealing with these problems

Based on the millions of prescriptions of this drug perhaps we are the unfortunate few who have struggled but for me the benefits have outweighed the side effects.

Sorry to have a mini-rant about this but I wasted a decade of my life due to being scared of taking this medication due to the side effects.