View Full Version : Convinced I have cancer

11-12-13, 03:10
I've got swollen glands under my arm, pain in between my ribs, constipation, headaches, abdominal pain, itchy skin. I'm convinced it's the worst possible thing, I google these symptoms and cancer is the first thing that came up. I'm so scared. :( ugh my anxiety is spiralling out of control

11-12-13, 09:03
how do you know you have swollen glands ?

11-12-13, 11:39
Ballerina, what have you been doing to try and stop the anxiety from spiralling? Googling symptoms is a bad idea, it will just make you feel a lot worse - a first step might be to ban yourself from doing that.

11-12-13, 12:27
HoneyLove is correct. I find that Google is very bad for me, as relates to my anxiety. It merely reinforces my irrational feelings and leads to my anxiety spiraling out of control.

12-12-13, 00:26
Thanks, I just can't help googling sometimes :( I want to go to the doctor but I'm worried she'll be angry with me because I've been twice in a month for something else, but my symptoms feel worse, I don't know what else to do apart from go to the doctor.

12-12-13, 01:23
Did you know that Dr. Google has been charged with false diagnosis and causing undue stress to HA sufferers? He's currently under investigation as being a computer algorithm and not even human!

Positive thoughts