View Full Version : horrendous throat issues

11-12-13, 03:33
I wrote recently about tmj and jaw clenching. In the past week it's got so bad that all the muscles I the back of my throat have gone into spasm and it hurts like crazy to swallow anything. My ears, neck and throat are all in really bad pain. When i wake up first thing it's the worst but yesterday it didn't let up much all day. I am in such a panic about it. My mind has wandered from lymphoma to chronic lymes to als. mostly I am just worried that this horrible pain won't go away. I really don't want to go to the Dr but I am in lots of pain and struggling to eat or swallow. I know it could all be caused by tension but now do I stop it? My ears really hurt too. It's not a viral kind of pain, it feels like a massive out of control muscle spasm. Help!!

07-01-14, 18:33
:hugs: I am suffering with this too. I yawned and overstretched my jaw a few weeks ago which made it crack and pop out of place. My GP diagnosed TMJ and I was having weird spasms inside my face, sinuses, bridge of nose, behind my eyes, neck and shoulders but worst of all my throat!!! Mainly in the middle of the night. That along with reflux made me feel like my body was trying to kill me in the night because it made me choke. I also felt like my teeth had been numbed at the dentist.

I tried these exercises on sunday night http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJyaCrSKTBE and although it helped get rid of all the facial spasms I am still left with the throat ones. I have found that wheat bags that you put in the microwave help to relax the muscles and this is what your muscles need as much as possible at the minute. Take a nice warm bath then apply the wheatbag for as long as possible and eventually this should ease the tension. It seems to be improving for me but its so hard to relax and not be anxious even when anxiety worsens it!