View Full Version : Avoidance

11-12-13, 05:06
Avoidance. Oh I'm so good at it it's medal worthy. It is at the root of my problems. Here we go again. Awake at silly o'clock dwelling on anxious thoughts. I did think it was going so well and perhaps it was for a few nights. But the crux is that my mind is diverted on Friday evenings to happy things and being with people I love. For the whole weekend I don't need to dwell on the stuff I'm not getting on with.

At the weekend everything is better. I have company. Sleep, appetite, anxiety levels improve and then Monday arrives with Mr Anxiety my precious loved ones go off to do their thing and I'm left on my own. By Tuesday the happy, contented feelings have worn off, my head is down again and I'm just going through the motions to get to Friday once more. Going through the motions, the bare bones and nothing else.

I see exactly what I'm doing, or rather not and completely aware that if I pulled my finger out, my situation, which undoubtably breeds and controls the anxiety, would improve. The solution is in my hands. If only I could take my own advice. A fool to myself.

11-12-13, 13:27
Next step would be to be clear about what is in the way of avoiding what you are avoiding. Is it fear? resentment? uncertainty? come monday morining, or even now, sit with it. meditate on it. why are you avoiding what you are avoiding.