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View Full Version : Virus with no D&V??

11-12-13, 08:12
Since Sunday I have been feeling horrendous. So so sick, headache, rumbling sore guts but no actual sickness or the runs.. My daughters have both had a 48 sickness bug but they were actually sick. I feel completely drained. Can u have a virus that behaves like this?

11-12-13, 08:58
Viruses mutate and therefore can have different reactions with people in contact with the virus. My niece and sister had the bug, but my mother just had the runs, for example. I would say if you do not start to feel any better by tomorrow, go and see Doctor and get it checked out

11-12-13, 09:03
Yes, this definitely can happen. My kids had a sickness bug and when I had it I was only sick once bit had awful fatigue and flu like symptoms, my husband had the same and no sickness. I know other families where the same thing has happened.

11-12-13, 11:01
Thanks guys! Just hate getting ill. Always think the worst. All I can think about it stomach cancer etc..

11-12-13, 13:13
Just like insects, there are varieties of illness "bugs". So yes, absolutely a virus can behave a multitude of ways and every person can have a different reaction in how it affects them.

Positive thoughts

11-12-13, 14:35
Sounds like maybe you have a milder form of the virus your girls have had. Children's immune systems are less developed than adults, so it makes sense that you might get it less badly. I hope you feel better soon x