View Full Version : We All Have Choices

11-12-13, 12:15
I read something really interesting this morning. Taking responsibility for my life means being totally aware of the multitude of choices that I am given during each day. It's all up to me. I am the one in charge and I am the one responsible for the way that I feel.

My choices begin the moment I wake up in the morning. I can dwell on some small symptom like my being slightly nauseous or I can greet the new day with a smile. I can choose not to focus on the symptom and I can choose to focus on my reactions instead.

I can choose to focus on the negative feelings or I can choose to be positive. I can choose to seek reassurance, perpetuating the cycle, or I can choose to trust in myself and my own abilities.

My life is all about the choices that I make. For today, I am choosing to focus on the positive. Today, I am going to focus on all of the good things that I do, and not dwell on the things that happen to me. That is taking responsibility for my life.

I want to recover from anxiety and depression and that definitely means taking control back. It means taking responsibility and owning up to the changes that I can continue to make in my life.

What changes can you make in your life for the better? How can you take responsibility?

I hope that everyone has a positive day!

11-01-14, 21:46
Dang, this is so good too! I am bumping this as well as one of FMP's older posts.

You guys are so inspiring. I am proud to be in your company!

11-01-14, 21:56
Tanner what a great post ,keep up the positive thinking you will get there its along road but keep going ,its took me along time but im feeling so much better and your right it about taking control and getting your life back good luck stay positive :D

11-01-14, 22:07
"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we handle it" Charles Swindoll

Positive thoughts

11-01-14, 22:38
You're so right ..... excellent post xxx

11-01-14, 23:36
I've often needed a reminder these past few weeks, but it truly is how we think and not what happens to us. I am not a victim and everyday, I strive to take responsibility for my own actions. It's up to me to make things better, with a little help from my friends.

12-01-14, 00:08
I've often needed a reminder these past few weeks, but it truly is how we think and not what happens to us. I am not a victim and everyday, I strive to take responsibility for my own actions. It's up to me to make things better, with a little help from my friends.

Encouragement - Absolutely! I'm right behind ya to cheer you on! It's inspiring to see those here silencing the dragon ;)

Positive thoughts

12-01-14, 01:25
The dragon must go, Fishmanpa. Too Much has made one of the best analogies I've ever read. I can't get the image out of my mind and that is a good thing.

12-01-14, 04:20
The dragon must go, Fishmanpa. Too Much has made one of the best analogies I've ever read. I can't get the image out of my mind and that is a good thing.

Agreed... It just fits. Just as Warriors call cancer the "beast", the "dragon" fits anxiety. Those who battle are the "Dragon Slayers" ;)

Positive thoughts

12-01-14, 09:42
I'm gonna be a Dragon Slayer !
Love to everyone on here today x

12-01-14, 13:39
Way to go, Cloud Bursting. The image of being a dragon slayer really does help. Too Much's posts about her dragon are inspiring. There are days that I feel I have a golden spear, a shield and elven armor. We can all slay the dragon if we put our minds to it.