View Full Version : Newcomer BT fear

11-12-13, 17:33
Hi everyone. I'm New to the website and recently been having brain tumor fears.

A bit of background: I'm 25, male, I have ocd and a few years ago had a bout of health anxiety related to other cancers.

About a week ago I was hungover and felt quite bad for the day. The following day I felt a bit better but still a bit of nausea. Later the same day I got a bad headache which was similar to migraine I used to get as a teen. I then became lightheaded and came to the conclusion I have a brain tumor.

I've been to the doc twice in the last week and first time was told I was fine and it was anxiety and stress. I of course started to google symptoms and sunxe then have had a wide varieTy of symptoms such as :
- Dizziness
- Headaches at back if head that come and go
- Weakness in right arm and right leg(really scared by this one)
- I'm slurring a couple of words which is also really scaring me
- Nausea

Went back again to the doc and wa reassured of the same and was told my ear was slightly inflamed. But I can't shake this fear.

I know I might just be rambling but I need some help, having a lot of paniv attacksbecause if this.has anyone experienced this before? Especially the weakness and slight numbness in right arm and right leg.

Any advice / experiences would be really appreciated.

P.s. Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors. I'm writing this on my phone and it's difficult to recheck what I've written.


11-12-13, 18:03
I think everyone with Health Anxiety has had this worry at some stage! However.. brain tumours are unlikely to cause pain to come and go, it is much more likely to be a very severe headache lasting for long periods at a time. The fact that you had been out drinking also suggests its alcohol related, give it time and see if it passes the dehydration wont help, keep drinking water.. the headaches are very likely to be caused by stress. plus i wouldnt worry about the slurring of words, i think everyone does this when their worried, i think its more to do with the fact that people try and focus on things to much and it gets all muddled in your head and it doesnt come out the way we want it to :D Plus if the doc said your ear was inflammed maybe its a midl ear infection? that could also cause headaches :) Given your age I would say that a brain tumour is quite unlikely, but i am not a doctor.. the only way to know for sure is brain scans but im pretty sure this isnt needed!

11-12-13, 18:24
Thanks for the reply. It's really appreciated. I guess my anxiety may be getting the best of me. The weakness etc on my right side Is just freaking my out.