View Full Version : Am I going mad?

11-12-13, 17:59
I was posting far too much on this site, so i decieded to give it up for a bit. Now I just feel really unwell and I am so fed up of being scared of illness all of the time :( Anyone else feel llike this or know how to cope with it?
I concentrate far too much on my breathing, i keep thinking i cant breath properly but i am pretty sure I am overthinking it :( I am so fed up of the constant dry mouth and stomach pains, i feel like i cant concentrate on anything! I have been trying to focus on christmas but somtimes I just feel so down :( and I have a load of important exams in January which means that it will be hard to relax over christmas :(
I feel like i have made a little progress but I dont know how to get rid of the worry, even if i feel not too bad pyhsically, i still worry about my health and im always looking to see if things have got worse.. (for example a bruise on my leg, or im constantly feeling my stomach for lumps). The fact that I dont feel so ill physically the last week has made me feel a little more positive, but i am just finding it hard at the moment. I have been going to counselling but i am REALLY REALLY bad at talking about myself and telling her how i feel :( She has given me relaxation strategies which has helped a little, but al lot of them are based on using breathing as a distraction, and i often find this makes me panic because I feel like i cant breathe properly therefore I dont feel relaxed.. anyway just though I would write it down on here since my counsellor cant fit me in for two weeks.. hope everyone else is doing ok :)