View Full Version : Permanent Panic?

11-12-13, 20:03
Hi! This is my first post, I have been reading lots of great posts before but now I really need to spill about me

I feel like I'm going mad. I started experiencing panic symptoms about 6 weeks ago but because I recognised them I was able to stop them before they fully developed. At the same time I was having really bad Anxiety which resulted in me having really bad pressure/tension headaches and an emergency trip to the Doctors on a Friday evening. After lots of blood tests and several trips back to the Doctor, I was diagnosed with Health Anxiety. I would point out that this episode was just before my period so not sure if there is a link.

As time progressed I felt better and had 3 weeks where I thought I had overcome the condition.

However, the reason I am posting here is because I now feel worse than I did before. Just before my last period I started to feel anxious and jittery but not sure why. I kind of expected it because I always feel rubbish around period time but I hoped it would pass after my period. No such luck!

I have had several unexpected out of the blue panic attacks and I now feel anxious all of the time waiting for another one. I had my first when shopping in the supermarket which was scary and then I had a monster one whilst walking my daughter to school. This included symptoms I hadn't had before, such as tingly hands and feet and heart palpitations, my legs felt really weak and I thought I was going to collapse.

I don't understand why I seem to be having random Panic Attacks now and why my anxiety appears to be hanging around. I just want to be able to feel 'normal' (if there is such a thing) again. I really feel stuck in this horrible nervous/anxious place and on the edge of panic most of the time.

Please help!

11-12-13, 22:28
Hi Welcome, I am sorry you are experiencing such intense panic at the moment. Did your doctor suggest any medication to help with the panic or CBT? There is an online course http://cognitivetherapyonline.com/cbt4panic/ This helped me a lot in my recovery.

12-12-13, 03:23
Have you made any changes to your diet or lifestyle lately? Cut down/increased alcohol or caffeine intake? Have you stopped any kind of medication lately? How about your sleep and stress levels in general? These can all make a difference.

12-12-13, 15:03
Thanks for the replies.

Annie: I'll check out that website later, thanks.

Emphyrio: I don't drink alcohol or much caffeine, I've introduced Chamomile Tea recently! In terms of general stress, I finished my final year at uni in June and then started a temporary job, which, I'm no longer in, all whilst trying to get my 2 year old child to sleep through the night! I think maybe the lack of consistent sleep might not be helping.

p.s. In terms of medication, I stopped taking the pill due to Migraines in September.

12-12-13, 15:46
i pretty much havent felt right since i had my first panic attack 7 months ago.

i worry all day now and when i have a stomach pain, a chest pain, feel a bit off i suddenly think im am going to have a heart attack.

Today i felt ok until i came back from lunch, i had stomach pains and felt lightheaded and ive worried myself since 1pm.

now i have jaw pain.

i have a friend who is a shrink and she claims since my first panic attack i have burnt through all of the safety layers your mind has.

normally you would get a pain but your mind would just return that and you would think it was just a pain and nothing to worry about.

because we have had the panic attacks these safety mechanism or filters are gone and now we immediately just think worse case.

Its all circular !

Still as im typing this i am worried sick about this jaw and stomach pain !

12-12-13, 22:52
James - have you read any Claire Weekes?

13-12-13, 16:37

I think you are right to connect lack of sleep to anxiety. I know when I am stressed it affects my sleep,which in turn causes my panic attacks and general feelings of anxiety.

Also, once you have had a very bad episode of panic, it is only natural to worry it will happen again. All the cbt in the world does not stop me from worrying it will happen again!! With me it is to do with fainting and not being able to get outside.

I am trying to tackle my sleep problems. However,I know from experience how having a two year old disrupts your sleep,so you have my sympathy!

This site has been very helpful to me,so keep reading and posting. Sometimes it just helps to know you aren't alone.

Loreen x