View Full Version : Chest and arm pains

11-12-13, 21:19
I went to the dr today and told him about my problems I've been having with a deep pain under my ribs on the left flank of my body which spreads up to my armpit. It feels crampy. Sometimes I get it in both sides of my body, mainly its just the left. A pain in my back under my shoulder blade I've had occasionally. Cramping feelings like something moving up and down in the centre if my chest. He asked me what I thought it was. I said I was trying to ignore my heart fears and wondered if it was reflux and he said that wasn't possible to feel it on the flanks of your body. He listened quickly to my back and chest and said he didn't know what it was but didn't think it was serious.
Trouble is its really hurting me. It comes on in waves and will come and go.
I have got a lot of acid, its reached my mouth a couple of times in last few days.
I just don't know what to think as its so terrible but I've got no answers. Anyone had anything similar at all?

11-12-13, 21:46
Im having pain in/behind/under my ribs which has spread or moved to my armpit. It's ALWAYS on the right, and is pretty much there constantly. Im terrified. I dont think it's stomach/digestion related. It feels like my ribs should be bruised but they arent. Wearing my bra is painful. I saw the doctor this week who said my temperature was up a bit but otherwise wasnt concerned. She gave me a months worth of anti inflammatory tablets and said come back in a month if it was still there. It definitely is. It feels worse today than its ever been. I know my chest muscles are tense, but surely that would give an even pain? Not just one sided? Its only my right side. I'm so scared it's someething serious. I know it's not quite the same as you... but I've been reading a lot about anxiety related rib pain.. maybe it's all to do with anxiety?!?! God I hope so!!

12-12-13, 12:04
You've probably pulled something. Rest and a couple of days it will be better :)

Mine is back again today. I feel like I've got something lodged in my chest constantly. Feels like a welling every so often as well.

I'm trying my hardest to ignore my heart fears but he did listen to my chest which implies to me he considered it a possibility as to where the pain was coming from. Typically I wasn't having the pain at the time either.

12-12-13, 13:00
Did you discuss your HA issues with your doctor while you were there?

Positive thoughts

12-12-13, 13:25
He already knows about them.
I went for a separate issue and mentioned this as it had become problematic.