View Full Version : white head on mole?

12-12-13, 12:51
hi guys i was washing my face today and saw a small area on my mole was different colour, i squeezed it and puss came out like you get from a white head, is this a cause for concern? never had this before it looks like its part of the mole as its inside of it.

12-12-13, 13:03
Give it a few days and see if it heals.

Sounds just like a normal spot to me on a mole. It happens :)

12-12-13, 13:11
I squeezed it out and it does seem to look normal again, but is it true that if you pick at it, it can be dangerous?
I wasn't like picking at it by scraping it but just squeezed it so the gunk stuff could come out. I did scrap it a few times to see if it wasn't dry skin.
Is that okay?

12-12-13, 14:07
sometimes a spot can form over a mole. no big deal. only get it checked if it starts to grow and change shape

12-12-13, 16:28
okay thank you for your replies :)