View Full Version : Eating and drinking

12-12-13, 13:51

I have had a bad diet for periods in my life and am now worried. Im not overwight really but am worried it could have impacted my health. If you start eating healthy etc can you reverse anything bad that youi have done. I just drank a coca cola and realsied how much I have drank in my life.

---------- Post added at 13:51 ---------- Previous post was at 13:36 ----------

I am going to change my diet now like i did a few months ago and just drink shakes and water and fruit. I am scared

12-12-13, 13:55
---------- Post added at 13:51 ---------- Previous post was at 13:36 ----------

I am going to change my diet now like i did a few months ago and just drink shakes and water and fruit. I am scared

I'm not sure why you think this kind of diet is healthy?? You need a balanced diet to feel at your best.

Have you forgotten everything you posted on yesterdays thread? Sometimes I wonder if you're genuine with us at all, I'm sorry if that sounds harsh.

12-12-13, 13:57
Believe me I am but Im just messed up. Sorry, I just wanted to know if you can reverse unhealth eating and reverse any issues to your body as I read some horrible stuff. I am going to stay off google and i am working hard.

12-12-13, 14:01
What do you mean by working hard?

12-12-13, 14:23
I know this sounds stupid but I have been eating terrible over the last couple of months but my weight is ths same why hasn't it gone up. I google and it could be dementia or a tumour I'm shaking I've had enough. I am trying but I keep getting these unfair things happen

12-12-13, 14:26
whats unfair about not putting on weight man ? pull yourself together.

Why keep saying you will stop googling if you arent going to actually do it ?

12-12-13, 14:28
Because I put on loads of weight over last few years then lost 2 stone. After my op I have eaten so bad but put on nothing

12-12-13, 14:29
I know this sounds stupid but I have been eating terrible over the last couple of months but my weight is ths same why hasn't it gone up. I google and it could be dementia or a tumour I'm shaking I've had enough. I am trying but I keep getting these unfair things happen

This isn't exactly what's happened here - you went to Google and looked it up, even though you knew it was a bad idea and would likely trigger anxiety.

You have a very unbalanced view of yourself and the world, you could really do with looking at that closely. Here's the link for an online CBT programme my doctor recommended to me, click on it and start using it straight away: https://moodgym.anu.edu.au/

12-12-13, 14:31
This is a completely irrational fear, it has no basis in reality whatsoever.

How do you keep your job when you spend so much time online ?

12-12-13, 14:37
I don't I've lost 3 jobs in 2 and a half years I'm a mess no matter how much people try to help me! I was expecting to put on weight as eaten so bad in last few weeks it's beyond belief. Could stress me doing it. When they say weight loss could be big issue does that mean major quick weight loss

---------- Post added at 14:37 ---------- Previous post was at 14:37 ----------

I'm going to do that CBT thing now

12-12-13, 14:44
everyone is different. I for one dont put on weight when i eat crap cos when i eat crap then i cant eat much of it.

my appetite is way stronger and i eat way more when i eat healthy

i honestly think that you need medication

12-12-13, 14:50
I'm on some medication. I hate myself now. I was just expecting some gain. Should I go doctors about not putting any weight on? For some reason my bmi has gone up

12-12-13, 14:51
Good Luck Sean... Positive thoughts

12-12-13, 15:18
I just want to say that Sean and I talk away from here since I started taking a break, in fact we just had a quick phone chat about this a few minutes ago (the lack of weight gain, not this thread) and I am certain that he is indeed very genuine.

When the panic subsides, he is able to look at how he reacts to things and know it is illogical but when he discovers something new it swamps him and he can't see beyond his terror. When he calms down he looks back at his behaviour and he feels even more self loathing. It's a vicious cycle and, I imagine, a living hell.

I'm not sure what the answer is as everyone - honeylove, fishmanpa, Chris, jimbob, MrAndy and many many others have give excellent advice. But he definitely is genuine.

Sean, remember the plan - ask just once for reassurance per issue. You can post a thread on here asking but don't follow up by asking again when people answer. Or you can call me. Or if it's something new and you really feel it's dangerous there is always NHS direct or your doctor. But you've got to stick with the once-per-issue plan hon, that was the first step remember?

12-12-13, 15:30
Thank you Kate, I promise I will stick to that.

12-12-13, 15:32
Atta boy.

Hang on in there.

And be grateful you haven't gained weight. I put 5 stone on in pregnancy and still got loads of it to lose!

12-12-13, 16:15
Is this really baseless, I want to put it to one side. I think illogically but at the time seems so real. I may have even put on a very little weight. Im going through everything ive eaten in last few weeks its driving me mad. Swear ive had too many calories.

---------- Post added at 16:15 ---------- Previous post was at 16:05 ----------

i was 14,7 and went down to 12,11 but now im 12,12 even though ive eaten loads

12-12-13, 16:20
Right Seany boy that is it. Gloves off.

First of all, as I said earlier, the nervous energy you are spending will be burning a HUGE amount of calories off and I'm surprised you haven't actually lost weight.

Secondly, even if you were losing weight for no apparent reason (which by your own admission you are not) by far the most likely cause of that would be metabolic or thyroid disorders (I have one of those) none of which are serious.

Now I'm not a doctor Sean but I do wonder - with your extreme anxiety etc have you had your thyroid tested lately? Because both under and over active can cause depression, anxiety and even psychosis (believe me I know this lol) NOT SAYING YOU HAVE THESE but may be worth checking out as treating them makes all the difference.

Finally - stop it. Stop it right now. You are getting anxious and burning more calories so you will lose weight if you carry on like this and then where will you be? On the effing ceiling I bet!

You promised me above that you would stick to asking once.

12-12-13, 16:31
guys - i am new to this forum but i reckon ignoring sean will help him more than replying. I know its hard to do and hard to recommend but he needs to stand up straight on his own two feet and take a deep breath

12-12-13, 16:32
Haha okay, you have made me smile for the first time in a while. I have taken some diazapam as am worried im going to get scked or just leave my job. I have chille dout quite a bit. I will look back on this as being stupid but at the time its so scary

---------- Post added at 16:32 ---------- Previous post was at 16:31 ----------

I havent had my thyroid checked for a few years

12-12-13, 16:36
May be worth asking about it Sean. It would be a very simple and treatable cause of most of your issues - in fact I sort of hope you do have a thyroid disorder it would be so convenient lol

Jimbob - I understand where you are coming from with that but Sean really is far from the only person who does this. And unlike many others he actually says thank you lol

12-12-13, 16:38
May be worth asking about it Sean. It would be a very simple and treatable cause of most of your issues - in fact I sort of hope you do have a thyroid disorder it would be so convenient lol

Jimbob - I understand where you are coming from with that but Sean really is far from the only person who does this. And unlike many others he actually says thank you lol

yep i see his posts are nice and appreciative etc but he is being mothered a bit too much in my opinion. tough love is needed

12-12-13, 16:44
Jimbob you are an awesome new member and if there were more like you I wouldn't have to keep taking breaks from here.

But while I see what you are saying in principle, I feel that ignoring somebody with severe anxiety issues only serves to make them feel more isolated. This is Sean's last safe outlet where he can be understood.

I think a happy middle ground would be for people to still respond but with advice on recovering (or just good wishes) rather than reassurance if that makes sense? (although I will still give Sean reassurance once per issue as agreed)

12-12-13, 16:59
Thanks, I understand what everyone is saying. I agree with Kate and do see this as a life saver but need to mimimize the way I use it. Im starting to feel better already about this and thats that as it was ridiculous. If i monitered my weight all my life i would have been dead many times as sure it flactuates plus with all the stress dont know how i havent lost weight

12-12-13, 17:05
Also remember Sean, you had surgery not long ago and I bet your appetite reduced in the lead up to it because you were so anxious most of your diet was probably your finger nails!

One thing I do see a lot in your posts is shame and one thing you really need to start learning is that while yes of course you need to work on this, feeling this way isn't something to be ashamed of. It's a mental health issue, not something that reflects on you as a person.

Did you manage to read Skippy's book or take a look at the online CBT?

12-12-13, 17:16
I think also as my weight has stayed the same it is hopefully not health related. Everything I read said losing weight. But people lose and put on weight all the time

12-12-13, 17:20
Sean love, it still counts as reassurance even if you're asking us to affirm what you've said.

But yeah, there is nothing incorrect in your statement. All you need to do now is learn how to rationalise facts like that before the panic starts

12-12-13, 17:37
Exactly, funny thing about this is that because of all the stress I was actually concerned that I hadn't lost weight at first. Not funny in a haha way but you know what I mean