View Full Version : How Do You Get to Love Exercising?

12-12-13, 15:54
If there’s one thing that’s made my social anxiety and agoraphobia worse, it’s been the fact that I’ve gained a huge amount of weight and now feel people are staring at me when I go out. I really need to start walking on my treadmill and go on a diet.

My question is this. How do you get the motivation to exercise when every fibre of your being hates doing it, because you get out of breath and it feels like a panic attack? I want to fall in love with exercising. I know there are some of you here who love to work out. How did you get to that stage?

I have to walk on my treadmill because where I live is very hilly and the slopes half kill me at this stage, even though I go when no one is about, early in the morning.

I am in dire need of some tips of how to fall in love with my treadmill.

Granny Primark
16-12-13, 18:40
I dont like excercising. But I did tap and disco until a few years ago and ive done spinning. The reason why I did these is cus I had a good group of friends that did them. And the dance class? I got a chance to be glamorous and be in shows even tho I was useless.:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflm ao::roflmao:
More than nits and lice in grannys head!:winks:

16-12-13, 19:30
Rain - welcome to my world. I'll tell a little story of me. I'm probably a little more narcissistic when it comes to my posts but I hope one day someone will take some inspiration.

Back in late 2011 I weighed (I think) about 250lbs. It's not massively big and I was comfortable with my size, diet (kebabs and fried food) and alcoholism (unbelievably). Then all of a sudden, a fellow alcoholic foodee left the company I worked for. As a result lunchtimes suddenly died (no trips to the takeaway or bar) and I lost about a 14 lbs. I suddenly realized I actually could loose weight and rejoiced in this. I even bought a folding bike and started pedalling around where I worked in a hoody and jeans.

Roll on a few months and another colleague join our company two years my junior. Two years my junior!!! He was slim, young and fit... and I just cycled.

I bought myself a road bike eventually, and learned some huge lessons in pride and humility. I fell off, I looked like a blimp in lycra. But now as I post this I'm 165lbs. I sure have my off days and eat a pile of crap but it gave me the confidence to finally confess to my doctor, go through alcohol detox and now in the winter when I find I'm too scared to cycle I run. I ran 30 KM last week.

I could never believe I would reach this point but I now know if I'm out exercising I'm in the right place. Go for it.

If you want to PM for more help please do. It's something I'm so passionate about as it changed my life.


16-12-13, 22:31
Don't think about exercise, think of the countryside. Beautiful countrysde makes you just want to leap and skip. Plus cycling and feeling the wind through your hair. Don't convince you are doing "exercise to lose weight" that's too British. Do it because you want to and then it has its own motivation.

20-02-16, 11:00
I dont like excercising. But I did tap and disco until a few years ago and ive done spinning. The reason why I did these is cus I had a good group of friends that did them. And the dance class? I got a chance to be glamorous and be in shows even tho I was useless.:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflm ao::roflmao:
More than nits and lice in grannys head!:winks:

this was granny primark`s last ever post :( :(

20-02-16, 19:12
I remember the first time I jogged and felt that "runner's high". I remember thinking, Wow! This is better than sex!! Better than alcohol! I was lifting my depression, reliving my anxiety, keeping my body healthy, and sleeping better at night. I didn't love it immediately, but as someone who has hated exercise for most of my life, I was pleasantly surprised when I did begin to love jogging and how it made me feel.

I read an online article about a man who stopped exercising because he had his first panic attack while working out, and couldn't get past the fear and panic that it would happen again. He started doing yoga, and that helped him immensely with his panic attacks and allowed him to slowly add more intense exercise to his routine.

I suggest starting off with some light walking, yoga, stretching....you'll get your blood flowing slowly and gaining flexibility makes you feel less stiff and ill.

Also, I listen to music or podcasts when I stretch or workout. It really helps me stick to it and distracts me from any discomfort.

Good luck!