View Full Version : Crohns/UC IBD or IBS?

12-12-13, 16:39
Okay, so people who know me will know that I have previously made post worrying about Bowel Cancer. After realising that this is unlikely, it has made me look into things that are more likely to effect people my age. Although I really want to belive it is IBS, i cant help but think that it is more likely to be IBD. This is mainy due to my lack of apetite, weight loss and blood in stool and mucus. The blood in stool has only been a little bit although there was quite a bit mixed in with mucus (although this was only once). I was just wondering if anyone on here had an IBD that was thought to be IBS or know anyone who has been through it? I was just wondering if people would be able to tell me about how they were diagnosed, what they did etc? I havent had any tests other than a blood test which didnt seem to raise concern. Was just wondering whether or not i should push for a scan or try to accept that this could possibly all be caused by IBS? it is frustrating for me that doctors will diagnose IBS without investigating other causes!

12-12-13, 17:42
I have crohns and it was initially diagnosed as UC 20 yrs ago. It was a lot my than blood and mucus. I went from 160lbs to 120lbs in a short period. I was sick with fevers. I couldn't eat full meals. It was also evident on the blood test, as IBD has some familiar markers.

i love tea
12-12-13, 18:38
My husband has IBD (ulcerative colitis) and his inflammation markers in his blood tests were elevated, which is what prompted the consultant to do a colonoscopy. If your blood tests are ok, I'm not sure it could be IBD...

12-12-13, 18:41
Thanks a lot that has made me feel a lot better knowing that my blood test didnt show any signs :) Does anybody know whether its possible for IBS to cause blood?