View Full Version : I Want to commit suicide Help?

12-12-13, 17:05
i have so much anxiety and people verbally call me ugly and say i look retarted mentally autistic
elp me out im 15 and im getting verbal abuse by my brother i cant handle this pain
he said i don't look normal
now people on yahoo are saying im rated 2 out of 10
Im crying right now and my mind is racing with murder yourself thoughts
i have the power to do it i hate my face its ugly and miserable help

12-12-13, 17:26

If I had the balls to go on yahoo id properly score 1/10. Do you know I do not give a Duck what people think, it's all a lie to think you are not good enough, you are in fact wonderfully made just the way you are.

Please go on YouTube and check out a guy called Nick Vujicic, find inspiration from him and value who you are. You are only 15, your whole life in front of you.. you can do great things.

good luck dude

12-12-13, 18:27
Yahoo is full of trolls, who gives a stuff what they think. Try to focus on what you have in life, things could always be worse, some people are born without limbs, or with horrible diseases. It's human nature to compare yourself to others but what counts is how you are as a person.

14-12-13, 01:44
yes yes thats wat i need thank you

blue moon
14-12-13, 02:32
Call Lifeline or Head Space they help young adults.Talk to mum ad dad.I am sure they are there to support you.Cyberspace bullying is at an all time high I Aus at the moment.....Please speak to someone àbout how you are feeling.
Love Petra xx::hugs:

14-12-13, 02:42
I read a post like yours and wonder... What the hell can I do from half a world away on an internet forum? Will you read my words and take them to heart? Will what I say really matter?

I'm old enough to be your father as I have children not too much older than you. If my kids were hurting that bad, I would hope they would come to me and ask for help as opposed to the internet! I hope you do the same. No one here can reach through the screen and intervene. I see your post as a cry for help. All I can do is ask you to seek it. Pick up the phone and call a help line. Go to your parents or a friend.

Hope to see you post soon....

Positive thoughts and prayers.

14-12-13, 04:06
Great post Fishmanpa. My kids are grown now but I would hope the same. If you DON'T have family you can talk to, find someone - anyone. In the meantime we're here.

Just bear in mind that the stories about people who have killed themselves after online bullying ALWAYS include devastated family saying, "WHY didn't s/he TELL us?????"

So please do. Much love to you. xxx

14-12-13, 10:55
Contact the Crisis Team.

14-12-13, 21:00
Peter suicide is not, and never is, the answer.

In fact all that suicide is, is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

I know where you are right now, I've been there myself and I know what hell it is, but you are only feeling like this because you are ill and it's the depression that's making you think that way that you are thinking, it's not really you.

Please reach out and get help either via your GP.........the 111 number, your local mental health crises team or you local A&E unit, if you desperately need to talk to someone right away, contact the Samaritans, they are brilliant, it was, in fact, one of the Samaritans that stopped me taking my life.

Please GET HELP NOW!! :hugs:

14-12-13, 22:19
Peter take everyone's advice and seek some help and go to your parents. The trolls that go on yahoo, internet are the one's with issues themselves and need help don't listen to them just ignore and click off.. There is nothing wrong with you, you just need a little help.. You have your whole life ahead of you. you will do great things.. :hugs::flowers: