View Full Version : Sinus infection. What were your symptoms?

12-12-13, 17:41
Think I have this but freaking out its a brain tumour or something. Dr today gave me anti bios. But I feel so so bad. I'm totally petrified.

12-12-13, 19:11
I usually have pain in my upper cheek area and bridge of my nose.

12-12-13, 19:25
Pressure in the sinuses, pain in forehead between my eyes, under my eyes etc., hard to breathe, wonderfully colored snotty discharge ~lol~ Feeling kind of blah and tired... what else do you want to know? ;)

Take your antibiotics and ride it out... no harm, no foul, no collecting $200 when you pass Go....

Positive thoughts

13-12-13, 13:17
I feel like in on a swaying boat or like I'm drowning. It's awful..

Totally off balance.

13-12-13, 17:59
Dizzy, pressure in face, weird numbness in mouth, headache, eye twitching. I had a few of them last year. x

13-12-13, 18:45
How long do they last before anti bios start working

13-12-13, 19:13
did you have swolen glands?

13-12-13, 20:02
I always feel as though I have an axe through my head. And something sticking through the back of my eye. Fever, pain, general dopey-ness. Yes, and swollen glands... Hugs. It WILL get better, honestly! XXX

13-12-13, 20:41
Do you feel wobbly? Like drunk?

This is awful. No swollen glass but I wouldn't really no where to look.

13-12-13, 20:46

You have a sinus infection. Unfortunately, you're sick and you're going to feel sick. Take your meds, drink plenty of fluid and get plenty of rest. It takes a few days for the meds to kick in and you'll start to feel better :)

Positive thoughts

13-12-13, 21:08
I had sinus problems a few Christmas ago. It was mainly my tooth, so had to see an emergency dentist over Christmas and also GP to be given something to help. which is did.

13-12-13, 21:12
Antibiotics should start working in at the MOST a couple of days... but you should be taking painkillers (if you can) to take the edge off it. What did your doctor advise? If you go into a chemist, they are able to advise you and know all about cross-reactions too...