View Full Version : Chlorpromazine for anxiety anyone tried ?

12-12-13, 20:32
I have been on 300mg of pregabalin for about 6 months but has no longer been effective and I don't suit most anti dep due to agitation / insomnia, basically symptoms of anxiety get worse. Had a meeting last week with psy doc and she has recommended Chlorpromazine 25mg up to 3 times a day and citalopram starting at 20mg. She says that this drug has helped some of her patients with Severe anxiety and will under no circumstances give any type of benzo's.
I have spent a bit of time on the net today (I know its wrong) and did not like the reading the possible negative issues scare the pants off me. I call her back and she said the concerns are only with high doses and then said don't take them if you don't want, but would not give my anything else. has anyone tried Chlorpromazine for anxiety or do people have alternative they have tried (non benzo) especially one that will counter the issues I get from the antidepressants.

Kind regards

12-12-13, 21:24
Hi my sister takes it at one dose of 25mg at night and it really helped her anxiety almost immediately and didn't suffer any side effects at all apart from being a bit drowsy for a couple of days, she takes it alongside her AD imipramine, hope this helps x x

13-12-13, 13:01
Hey Nicola
Thanks for the reply. I am glad it works for your sister. I think I will give it a go tonite and take it from there.

Kind regards:hugs:

14-12-13, 03:06
Its better known by the trade name 'Thorazine' and in some ways, led to the emptying of mental hospitals as schizophrenic patients could keep their illness under control. Its a very old drug, and does have a fairly high list of side effects. I'm surprised it was offered to you.

In terms of other medications, quetiapine is a more modern antipsychotic and at lower doses only functions as an antihistamine and adrenergic receptor antagonist. The 'antipsychotic' dopamine antagonist aspects only kick in past around 200mg.

I would ask about this the next time you see your psychiatrist - it seems to be fairly well used for agitation and restless anxiety. I was suggested I try a low dose of it but I instead chose fluvoxamine as its better for intrusive thoughts.

Also, have you tried starting your antidepressants at low doses and slowly titrating upwards? Just 5mg of citalopram worked for me, but I had to come off it because it caused visual problems.

15-12-13, 15:55
Hi Emphyrio
Thanks for the reply. I have still not started them and can find little evidence as to why she prescribed them, since it seems rare !

I have tried a couple of mood stabilisers / antipsychotics but did not find they helped me. The drug you mention gave me headaches. I did try valium a few years ago (when it was given) and it was the best thing bar none. But I think I would need to get on my knee's and beg before she gave me any. My main gripe is my extreme start up reaction to just about any anti dep which are the moods from hell, apart from Mirtazapine. Nobody wants to be within 10 feet of me:wacko: