View Full Version : obsessing over lymes disease.

12-12-13, 22:05
I am having really bad issues with my thorat and neck. They habe basically locked up so it hurts badly when I swallow. I lock my jaws in my sleep. Anyway, after reading up on tmj I came accross people online who had this because of chronic lymes disease so I am now terrified that I have this. I have random attacks of pins and needles lately too, not when I am anxious but just out of the blue, along with major fatigue. I know lymes is very easy to miss and can't be detected easily through tests so now i am freaking out that I will have to live this way for years and go on getting worse and worse. The swallowing thing is the worst, it is very painful.

17-10-14, 23:42
Hi Cattia, how long has the throat and neck been painful? also how long have you had anxiety, sorry for late reply i realise this was posted in december