View Full Version : I'm stupid, I googled, help!

12-12-13, 23:12
Hi all.

So I stupidly decided to Google. Don't ask me why I was doing this, it was an experiment of sorts to see if I would get a headache, or head pain. I sort of, pushed, or strained really hard, and it gave me a pain in my head. I googled strain and headaches, which linked it to exertion and headaches, which was then 'brain tumours' and 'aneurysms'. I'm now really frightened and upset.

Is it normal to get pains if you kind of, hold your breath and push? It's not an ongoing pain, just while I was in midst of the 'experiment' I felt pain. I realise I sound insane.

Any replies hugely appreciated! Thanks xx

13-12-13, 01:33
All of us on here tend to think we have a brain tumour, it'd be a common condition not a super rare one if everyone on here that thought they had one actually did! I worry myself all the time so I don't really practice what I preach but google isn't a doctor, and neither am I so I can't diagnose you, but when I went to the doctor saying I thought I had a brain tumour with headaches and blurry vision they assured me I definitely did not, they didn't even do any tests because they knew what the symptoms are based on talking you, google cannot speak to you and listen to what is actually the problem, it can just match keywords you searched with websites containing those words. You won't get a diagnosis on here, but go to the doctor if you're worried and they'll tell you what the cause is, trust them, they know a lot more than an internet search engine :) I bet you don't have a brain tumour, and the anxiety of thinking you do is probably making the headaches worse. xx

13-12-13, 09:42
Why are you forcing symptoms?? X

13-12-13, 11:22
I don't know why I did, just to see what happened.
When I was worrying about breast C, I had breast and pain in my side. That disappeared after I stopped worrying about it. So I know that focusing can really heighten symptoms or even cause them.
I'm just worried incase I go to the doctors and she does actually refer me, because then I'd ruin Christmas for myself and probably my family because I'd be completely freaked out. I've got an appointment for the 20th. It's not like I'm even having major headaches. They're more like twinges. As for the straining thing I don't know what made me!
I dunno whether to cancel the appointment and ride it out? So annoyed I'm panicked again. Thought I was improving xx

---------- Post added at 11:22 ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 ----------

Also, it hurts when I turn my head really quickly or shake it from side to side. Can anyone help, or been through anything similar :( xx

13-12-13, 11:25
ur head is strained and stressed from the anxiety , of course its going to hurt when you turn it quickly.

go for a run - i bet you wont feel your head hurting while you run and if you dont then you can for get about it

13-12-13, 11:40
There's a story about a guy who went to the doctor....

Guy: Doc, it hurts when I do this.

Doc: Don't do that!

Positive thoughts and good luck!

13-12-13, 12:46
Ha, yes Fishman. Knowing my doctor she would actually say that too!

Am I being ridiculous? I know it's not going to be pleasant for anyone to shake their head. And it's not like I meant a gentle shake, it was quite vigorous... I don't know if it's normal for it to hurt a bit? I've gone into Google overdrive x

13-12-13, 13:08
If you shake your head it hurts - don't do it- simples :winks: