View Full Version : Running my own business !

11-11-06, 13:55
Ive gave this some much thought for a while now im wanting to run a online shop my own website or a ebay one selling make up and jewellery....does anyone else do this i would like to know where to start off and how much it woould cost to start it all off

hope anyone as any ideas thanks xx

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11-11-06, 14:04
Well done Nicki for starting this thread as I too would be interested in any info.

For what its worth you could test the waters on ebay by just selling some bits and bobs as a private seller first. You will need a paypal account that's for sure. I have been buying and selling on ebay this way for a little while now but I'm not quite sure about taking the leap to being an ebay shop as such. I do realise that there are fees to take into account etc etc. I did see a good book on Amazon all about selling on ebay which maybe useful.

If you are stuck at home then you will need someone to go to the post office for you - although that could be a little goal to work towards in the future for yourself. I send one of my piglets at the moment, which they love [}:)] NOT!!!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

11-11-06, 17:09
Advertising is so important.
This guy knows a lot.

11-11-06, 17:26
Hi Nikki,

I have been making jewellery for 6 years now and thought about selling it on ebay 2 years ago, I gave it a go (after all nothing to loose) and found it a real challange.
I sold earrings ok and had a few regular "transvestite" buyers lol but the problem is this, China has absolutely swamped the ebay market with jewellery at very cheap prices :( it is really annoying because I just cant compete with it.
I dont know much about make up ? when i was doing avon i looked online to see if i could sell it and there were so many people doing it it put me off.
But I can tell you this, selling loose beads on ebay is better...you can buy an old necklace and cut off the beads and sell them for quite a bit of money :) Its mad I know.

Another area worth investigating is ORGANIC MAKE UP, people are becoming more aware of the chemicals in our make up and are turning to more healthier versions.

I am doing better with my jewellery in shops now :D, i have it in 4 shops and as from next week it will be in 2 more shops.... I am so pleased (not forgeting 6 christmas fetes).

You can do what ever you want if you put your mind to it, good luck and let me know how it goes.


11-11-06, 18:22
Hi Nicki

This could be an interesting one. The internet gives so many opportunities for home businesses and it's a damn site warmer than a car boot sale.

I will have a look at the links being created here.



Laissez les bon temp roulez

11-11-06, 19:00
I paint pebbles, and sell them on Etsy, which is a buy&sell site especially for handmade things. I highhhhly recommend it!
Go to http://etsy.com and you'll find lots and lotsss of stuff, great for doing your christmas shopping..

Oh, and.. check out my pebbles, too. ;)

(I just realized that it's down this weekend due to an upgrade of the site, but on monday it should be up and running again... If you have any questions on Etsy, please contact me!)

13-11-06, 10:06
I sell on ebay and have done for about 5 years now.
Its great. Make a bit of money and keep occupied.

Set up an account and try it with a few bits that you don't want around the house.
I sold lots of books, wool etc and now I sell my art
You can have a look if you want

PM me if you want any help

Pam x

13-11-06, 12:03
hi guys thanks for all your replys :)
So far ive got a store ready to set up all i need now is some stock...i need to find some wholesalers that sell bulk jewellery and makeup not having any luck at the min can anyone be of any help ? thanks

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13-11-06, 12:14
Pam - beautiful hun!!! :D:D:D

Eveline - the site still look down at the moment but I will have a look again later.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-11-06, 13:57
Piglet, they said it would be up and running on Monday, but as it's an American based site (not sure where), maybe it's just not quite Monday yet. ;)

13-11-06, 14:42
Hi Nikki ive been selling on ebay for around a year now i sell anything and everything that isnt tied down .Ive just opened a store on e bay which i have now branched out to underwear.I love is so much as its a huge distraction from anxiety.Any worries or questions please p m me id be happy to help oh and pop into my shop for ideas http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Chloes-Secret-Closet_W0QQsspagenameZMEQ3aFQ3aSTQQtZkm good luck mate.

14-11-06, 09:57
thanks for the reply guys....as i said im trying to set my very own site up selling items...i was up all nite last nite talking wiv a friend of mine she told me what i would have to do faince spreadsheet..tax return forms...tax calculations...jot down my incomeings and outgoings....i thought omg im never going to do all that then i thought im not going to give in its something im wanting to do and to take my mind off anxiety so another friend helped me out now i know what im doing lol

hey mazz ebay shop looks great hun...which wholesales do you get the underwear from do you buy in bulk ?

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14-11-06, 11:33
Mazz - how is being a proper shop different from just normal private buying and selling? Do you get better rates for advertising the items?

Do you have to keep a record of all your incomings and outgoings for the tax man etc?

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

14-11-06, 15:32
i think its better to have your own online shop your the boss and the profits go tonoone else

also yes you do have to keep a record of all your incomings and outgoings for the tax man and do a spreadsheet

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18-11-06, 14:06
anyone know where i could find any wholesalers that sell makeup in bulk with a min order uner £100

i found a few but the min order is £100 which is a shame as im lookin to spend under that lol

cant belive im so close too in seting the shop up lol

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