View Full Version : Insomnia Please Help!

13-12-13, 07:39
Hi everyone

This insomnia has me turning night into day and is also starting to frighten me aswell as impacting on my health and mental health, visual problems (hallucinations) seeing trails when i go to reach for anything, weird things out the side of my eyes then i look nothing there, my routine is shot to hell when night comes my head is racing can't get my head to stop, i try relaxation, meditation, etc still no joy and ppl are starting to ask me if I'm feeling ok which i know is sweet and considerate but we all know when you are worried and more than 1 person says the same thing Anxiety levels go through the roof!!

My GP gave me Zopiclone 3.75mg,this might sound stupid but I'm afraid to take them encase i don't wake up :-[

Please help :-(

13-12-13, 08:18
Hi insomnia ruins your day doesn't it. Do you just not sleep at all or do you wake up in the early hours and not be able to get back. Mine is the latter. At first I dreaded going to bed as I was already mentally prepared to wake up knowing after two or three hours that was it. Doctor prescribed sleeping tablets but like you I didn't want to take them but they sit in the cupboard just in case.

Decided to take the pressure off myself by stopping thinking about not sleeping. Difficult but find that I catch more hours asleep now and if I do wake and can't get back then I come downstairs, make myself comfortable and read or whatever. Wrote Christmas cards the other morning which was a job well done. Magnesium tablets have really helped too.

Good luck :)

16-12-13, 19:23
Hi everyone

This insomnia has me turning night into day and is also starting to frighten me aswell as impacting on my health and mental health, visual problems (hallucinations) seeing trails when i go to reach for anything, weird things out the side of my eyes then i look nothing there, my routine is shot to hell when night comes my head is racing can't get my head to stop, i try relaxation, meditation, etc still no joy and ppl are starting to ask me if I'm feeling ok which i know is sweet and considerate but we all know when you are worried and more than 1 person says the same thing Anxiety levels go through the roof!!

My GP gave me Zopiclone 3.75mg,this might sound stupid but I'm afraid to take them encase i don't wake up :-[

Please help :-(

My therapist advised me to stay off the tv and Internet, go for a relaxing walk about 8pm, prepare for bed, relax, meditate, read a boring book then go to sleep.

Have you tried meditating throughout the day? So to stop your brain from getting to wound up as the day progresses? Also have you tried no following your thoughts, sticking with focusing on the breath as you meditate?

16-12-13, 20:17
I have taken herbal Valerian in the past and it really helped. I have suffered with insomnia most of my life, my doctor prescribed me anti-anxiety/depression medication that also has a sedating effect. I would have another word with your GP about the fears you have over taking the medication he has prescribed you.

24-12-13, 19:53
I take zopiclone 3.75 an sometimes take two and get a good 7 hours sleep but do wake early :(