View Full Version : Fightback begins

13-12-13, 10:43
Hi all

I have just joined No more panic after too many years of suffering with anxiety, especially in the form of health anxiety and OCD. I am now in my mid forties and have finally found the courage to ask my GP and Occupational health at work for help. My wife has been seriously ill and is now on the road to recovery but it has left me feeling more vulnerable and anxious than ever and I seriously want rid of feeling this way. I have lots to tell which I hope may help others as well as help myself along the way once I get to know other members. Hope to chat to you all soon.


13-12-13, 12:29
Welcome to the forum, CJ. I'm sure that you will find many supportive Folsom on here with similar stories. I know this place has helped me tremendously.

13-12-13, 18:09
Hi :welcome: to the forum.

Round in circles
13-12-13, 21:55
Hey CJ, welcome :)

14-12-13, 18:03
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

16-12-13, 10:57
Thanks for your welcome, I am currently experiencing my worst anxiety bout ever, all spurred on by my wife being ill. I have started taking my fluoxetine, am under the well being clinic at my GP and attending Occ health through work to get some councelling. Feel I am moving in right direction at last.

16-12-13, 16:09
Sounds like you're really fighting! Go get 'em...

...and :welcome: