View Full Version : Horrific rash, I am going to die!...not exactly

13-12-13, 13:36
So, I am having a terrible time with health anxiety as most of you know. I have strained my back a few weeks ago and have come up with everything that could cause back pain to be the cause, despite knowing I pulled it trying to do some stretches.
So, last night I got out of the shower and was looking at my lower back for signs of bruising, swelling...I don't even know what I was looking for honestly..
Then I noticed this dark red rash on my bottom! It is these almost dime size almost purple marks and I seriously freaked out..I ran out to my husband, showed him, showed him that I do have internal bleeding and we have to go to the ER.
After 20 minutes or so of looking at it and debating if I really needed to go to the ER or wait, I looked over at my shower. I noticed the drain. I remembered I was just sitting on the shower floor shaving my legs...looked at the holes of the drain, looked at my bottom and realized I have.....drain hickeys. I must of been sitting right on the drain holes. LOL! :roflmao:
I felt so stupid telling my husband but we laughed for hours. Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself :D

13-12-13, 14:18
:roflmao: This made me laugh. I did something similar wondering why I had sudden purple vein marks on my leg. My husband got a cloth and washed them off and told me to be more careful with the pen I was using :D

13-12-13, 14:41
"Drain Hickeys"... ~LOL~

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