View Full Version : So afraid of GI bleed

13-12-13, 14:40
I recently started Prozac again for my anxiety. I really feel strongly that I need to be on medicine in order to have a normal quality of life, because my obsessive worrying is so bad.

The problem is, I am now terrified of one of the possible side effects: digestive tract bleeding. Studies have shown that upper GI bleeds are around 4 times more prevalent in those taking Prozac and similar drugs. This is probably not a big deal if someone's risk is low anyway. But a past endoscopy showed I had some gastritis and small, non-bleeding ulcers. I am so afraid I am going to be extra susceptible to the stomach bleeding side effect. I called the gastroenterologist, and he said I could take the Prozac. But I am still very worried.

Ever since I started the Prozac, I have been extra focused on how my stomach feels, and noticing "burning" that I never noticed before. I just want to get better and not always feel like a ticking time bomb. I pray that if I did have bleeding, it wouldn't be anything life-threatening. Do you think most people who have a GI bleed end up being OK? I hope so. Ugh, I hate worrying about this. If anyone has anything reassuring to say, I thank you in advance!

13-12-13, 14:54
well all drugs have side effects, there is no escaping that fact. However not all people get any side effects.

How long you on it ?

13-12-13, 15:06
I just taking it again. I would like to be able to take it long term.

13-12-13, 15:12
not really sure to b honest.

if the drug helps then stay on it but if the worry abotu side effects is worse then come off it

or try a different drug ?

13-12-13, 15:14
As was stated, there are side effects with most drugs. Of all the side effects of Prozac, a GI Bleed is a very rare occurrence. Of the literally millions and millions who take that drug, the actual cases are negligible.

Positive thoughts