View Full Version : lump on head

Fly away Katie
13-12-13, 19:46
At the front of my scalp on my right side, there's a pea sized hard lump. It doesnt hurt. It kind of had a pinkish spot on it a month ago but thats gone and the bump is still there.

Keep feeling it all the time and every time i do, my stomach turns over :weep:

Could it just be a node or something? Has anyone else had one of these or anything simelar?

Any ressurance would be really appreciated xxxxxxxxxx

15-12-13, 22:13
I have had this a few times doc said it was nothing to worry about just a swollen node it goes away after a week or so

15-12-13, 23:31
I don't think anything with a pinkish spot is a node... I think it is prob related to oil in the skin. I have several little bumps under my neck and that is what they are.

Fly away Katie
16-12-13, 19:14
Thanks guys. It's been there over a month now though and I can't stop feeling it. I swear it's got bigger or changed shape too.. Like more of a tube shape slightly than a round one now :/ anyone else? I'm booking a docs appointment tomorrow and I'm sitting here shaking and feeling sick, thinking all the worst case scenarios :(

Please help :'( could this just be a silly node that I've poked too much? Can you damage them by poking them? I think it's pink because I've rubbed it so many times :( xxx

16-12-13, 20:14
You can inflame a lymph node by poking too much. I can attest to that. The more you prod it, the bigger it gets. I did this, and it only got smaller after about 3 months because I finally left it alone!

However that doesn't mean it is a node. It could be a cyst, or anything. Think about any of your skin (for example - a little cut), If you keep poking it, and touching it, it will get irritated.

I remember the awful cycle.. I would feel my node, and sometimes it would be smaller and I would feel good. That feeling wouldn't last long, and I would check again, and again. Eventually it is bigger, and it would ruin my day.