View Full Version : ribs..... ibs???

13-12-13, 20:27
I posted this in the IBS section but no response... so sorry for double posting...

For as long as I can remember, I have had erratic bowel movements and urgency after eatingffollowed by an explosive movement. I get the stomach cramps which disappear after going to the toilet. Thankfully this isn't all the time and doesn't effect day to day life much. I have been to the doctor about it and she didn't give me a definite IBS diagnosis but after normal blood test results she said its possible but thought it was mostly anxiety related.
Every day my stomach growls and grumbles and makes noises and I am very windy, both ends.I flit between constipation and diharrea but nothing is constant. Apart from this pain inbbehind/ under my right ribs. It doesn't hurt to breathe or cough and doctor says its not a bone problem as no lumps and doesn't hurt to touch. Does anyone else get right sided rib pain with IBS? Is it even possible? I don't think its muscle pain.

13-12-13, 20:28
I get rib pain on my left hand side, which is especially made worse by breathing in and out :)