View Full Version : numbness in face

14-12-13, 01:27
Hey guys! Does anyone ever get numbness in their face? I keep getting, maybe for about a couple minutes at a time, numbness or a tightness along my left jawline! I don't, that I know of, have any heart problems. Had a recent ECG and ECHO with Doppler that were normal. I would assume if there was an issue those tests would have picked it up? Its really freaking me out! I have OCD HA and my health anxiety fixates on my heart, so any symptom and I immediately freak out!

The doctor only ran those tests because I kept asking and was so nervous about my heart. He didn't order them because he believed there was a problem. I'm 34 and all these issues make me feel like I'm much older!

The numbness along the jaw is new though and I'm starting to really panic!
Could this just be anxiety or is it a stroke or heart attack!? I know no one here can diagnose, I'm just needing some help here.

14-12-13, 01:55
Hi ady

I feel your panic:weep: I have had numbness in many different parts of my body including my face. Well it feels like it's numb, whether it actually is or not I really couldn't say because the panic takes over and all kinds of things happen in the body.

Have you had it long or has it just come on? All those tests you have had would have picked up a problem. A lot of us have heart issues, me especially and I have panicked like you, until all of a sudden I have forgotten about it and then remembered it later on, so don't know when it went away! All these things that happen to us are scarey and send us into anxiety mode but 2moro it will be gone and you will wonder why you were so worried:)

14-12-13, 02:22
Had a recent ECG and ECHO with Doppler that were normal. I would assume if there was an issue those tests would have picked it up?

The doctor only ran those tests because I kept asking and was so nervous about my heart. He didn't order them because he believed there was a problem.

When I read a post like this, typically the answer to the question is in the post. This is no exception. Scientific tests have shown everything is normal. The doctor ordered the tests (they cost hundreds of dollars!) even though he didn't feel there was an issue just to try and reassure you. The tests verified his diagnosis. What else can anyone say here to quell your doubt?

What are you doing anything to treat the root of the problem which is your anxiety? Have you discussed this with your doctor? Therein lies the solution.

Positive thoughts and good luck.

14-12-13, 02:51
Thank you for the replies and support!! Yes, I currently have a great therapist which I see for CBT therapy. I'm doing a lot better in other areas but the heart stuff still gets me, especially when its a newer symptom! Its two steps forward and a hundred steps back somedays. I think that's why I sometimes post on here, to get a slap of perspective :) I truly do appreciate the time everyone takes to respond and offer help!

14-12-13, 02:58

I have heart disease. I've had two heart attacks, triple bypass surgery and most recently stents. If it were truly your heart, I assure you you wouldn't be posting here asking if it was.

Use common sense. Eat right, exercise, don't smoke and refrain from drinking. That's the best way to take care of your heart, your anxiety and your health in general ;)

Positive thoughts

14-12-13, 03:22
Thank you Fishmanpa! I know you are right! Thank you for being such a grounding force on here for so many! I'm so happy for you that your health is improving and your doing better now! Your attitude should be a model for us HA sufferers :)